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Quitting Dip

Quit Dipping On Tuesday, March 19, 2019


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This forum is fairly simple. Commit yourself to quit dipping.
Post your daily scroll promise not to use nicotine, and honor it. The folks here have all quit dipping already, and they can provide encouragement and accountability. Take advantage of the resources here. Close the door on ever dipping again and step out into the light. Feels good out here.

I used nicotine as a depression “crutch” for a long long long time. It wasn't a crutch, it was an addiction. I made excuse after excuse to keep feeding my face with that shit for nearly 20 years. Now there are no excuses. Throw away your excuse book, be accountable to quitting dipping, and find your integrity. You can quit dipping and you will if you want it. 


And the only way to quit cold turkey, as far as the membership here is concerned, is to find a bunch of dudes who already quit this shit, and follow their lead. But what do we know... we're all just quit, and you're not. 

You are likely to be here after hundreds of aborted mini-attempts to "kick the habit". Here's the key. You can't use nicotine replacement products to quit nicotine. No vaping. No nicotine lozenges. No nicotine gum.  Why not? Because you can't quit nicotine by using a different form of nicotine.

How easy is it to quit dipping? Quitting dip is a lot easier than you think. If you follow the well worn path by the members here who are quit. Once the withdrawal symptoms of are over, (and yes, they suck but they are manageable), it becomes a mind game, and we know all the ways to win. If you are ready to quit, the best way is to join this site, and start posting. 

If you think that quitting dip is impossible, then you're in the right place. If you wonder whether you really need to quit chewing, you're not ready. Guests can read some "speeches" of dudes who have been in your shoes. If you're just about ready to pull the trigger but you're scared, stop being a pussy. There is a section in the support center full of posts encouraging guys like you to get in the game. 

Once you sign up you can start an introduction where you can tell the other members about yourself, or just get right to it and put your screen name and "Day 1" on the "Quit Scroll" with today's date. 

The bottom line is that if you throw up a post somewhere, guys here will try to help you. But you have to help yourself first. 

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