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Quitting Dip

Quitting Dip on Thursday, December 12th, 2019


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Like you, before coming to this site we all thought that "quitting" meant giving something-up.  That we'd spend the rest of our lives missing dip.  What you'll soon learn is that you won't miss a thing.  Everything is so much better without dip.  Driving, working, watching TV, taking a crap, it's all better without nicotine. The next few days are going to suck.  A lot.  But we all did it; and as long as you're not a giant pussy, you can too. Jump in, quit hard, freedom is just around the corner.

This whole fucking site is nothing but a ton of quit disguised as guys playing grab ass, so let it seep in. If you have specific questions about quitting dipping, you'll get a lot of good answers. Unlike other "methods" that just keep you addicted to nicotine, our method of quit relies on your integrity, and your honor. Post your promise every morning, keep your promise all day.  Nothing else worked for me, either.  Nothing else worked for any of us here - but this works.

Why does it work?

 This entire method of quitting dip  is built upon one simple thing: trust. We make a promise to each other that we won't use nicotine today, and then we keep that.  When tomorrow comes, we'll do the same thing. I don't know for certain that these guys didn't have a dip today, but I would bet my life that they didn't, because I put my trust in them and their word, because they are men of integrity. Some of us have been quitting dip together for thousands of days, and I know that daily promise means everything to them. That promise means everything to me, and none of us here would be quit without it.

If that promise to quit dipping didn't mean everything around here, then this whole place would be nothing but a bunch of fucking losers perpetually on day 3 again, because they didn't care. Sack up. If you have any balls, find them and keep your goddamn word.


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