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Quitting Dip

Blissful Krusty

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Everything posted by Blissful Krusty

  1. BK1 - 410 - only a couple more Mondays until next week starts...!!
  2. BK1 - 408 - w/ Plebes & all others on this scroll
  3. BK1 - 406 - with the badass quittwrs on this scroll
  4. BK1 - 4-OH!!-4 - enjoy the pre-daylight savings time warm spell, kids
  5. BK1 - 4-oh-4 w/ the plebe squad...onward & upward, gents
  6. BK1 - 403 - triple digits will be here before you know it...
  7. BK1 - 402 - the principals at Centurion REM are gonna be PISSED...
  8. BK1 - 402 - with the Plebe society...nice fiddy Wookie
  9. BK1 - 400 from Chi-town - last time I was here, Copenhangen was my companion. Today it's everyone from QD.
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