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Quitting Dip


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Everything posted by Pre

  1. Yo, bk--anyone ever invite DrewDrew over or is he not a good dude to ask?

    1. BigKahuna


      I invited him, but he never responded. I don't think he cared too much for me and didn't want to be around me.

      Invite him. He's a good dude and I think he's going nuts over there without interaction 

  2. Pre 377 with Jay in the triple digits and with my boy, Beast completing that trip around the sun! Solid work, gents.
  3. Pre 373 QLF all day. Keeping the families of @Thumblewort and @schaef at the forefront of my thoughts today because: brotherhood = victories together, but also trials together. Standing with both of y'all.
  4. Pre - thanks to y'all, I'm proud to list my days today as 26.0714285714 Gordons.
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