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Quitting Dip


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Posts posted by 3nnui

  1. So I am 49 years old, been using tobacco in one form or other my entire life. Mom smoked when she was pregnant, we drove around in a hotbox car all day, had my first cig at 8 years old and did not cough. Started dipping bandits at 12, doing cope by 16. Let's just say I love nicotine. I am around 40 pounds overweight, and I had transitioned to mainly using Camel Snus. I had kept it secret from my kids, but left a can out and now I need to quit, got a 19 and 16 year year old boys and trying to be a good example. 

    I have quit for over 3 years a couple of times, but been using for around a decade straight this time. I started my quit around 2 weeks ago, using [bullshit NRT product], grinds and smokey mountain. The [bullshit NRT product] is alright, but it does not last long and seems to deliver more nicotine than the snus did, makes me feel a bit strung out and edgy. The grinds are pretty harsh, give me some acid reflux and I feel like the extra caffiene in them is again making me edgy, though I like the flavor and the pouches themselves are satisfying in the ways the other things are not. 

    Anyway, I was just looking for ideas or products to use. Cold Turkey is really not an option as the last time I tried that I ended up in the hospital. I am looking for products that can help me transition down off this without losing my shit. 

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