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Quitting Dip


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Everything posted by Dood

  1. Dood - Day 31. W KO and everyone who posts on this site.
  2. Dood- day 27. Could've sworn I posted this morning.
  3. Dood - day 25 with Schaef for creating new scrolls and with whoever updates the spreadsheet.
  4. Dood - Day 23. I am going to eat Mexican food today come hell or high water.
  5. Ko2-66 yes letting the holiday take control just not caring to have my phone on me all day which is no excuse and ready to take the words I deserve... Truly a pathetic showing by me I'm sorry guys Cmon bro. When you woke up this morning and took a piss and or dump you could've posted scroll. You could've also texted me to post for you. No more posting in your intro thread. Getting lazy and too comfortable in your quit is the first step to slipping.
  6. Dood. Day 20. Quit for 'Merica. Going to shoot some freedom rockets today and enjoy the fruits of our hegemony.
  7. Dood - Day 18. quit today and looking forward to a nic free weekend. Last 4th of July I ninja dipped two whole cans of camel snus. So fucking stupid. I'm not going back to that life. Fuck you nic right in your stupid ass.
  8. Dood - Day 14. Heading out to Disneyworld for my daughter's birthday. The last time we went to Epcot, I snuck in a giant handful of snus pouches wrapped in a tissue. Pathetic and gross.
  9. What's up Dood? Irrational frustration and anger I guess. I still am getting that "something's missing" feeling throughout the day, and it's annoying. Trying to direct that towards the nic bitch.
  10. Dood - Day Eleven. Was in a long meeting yesterday and I noticed a dude who kept getting up to puff on an e-cig in the hallway. It made me view him as weak and unprofessional, and ultimately we will probably use a different contractor in the future. It reminded me of myself sneaking pouches in more or less all day.
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