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Quitting Dip


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Everything posted by Virginia_RN

  1. Virginia_RN 24 quit all day everyday with @GrizzlyBear @Pawghunter
  2. Virginia_RN 22 quit all day and every day with all you all
  3. Virginia_RN 21 quit all day with @GrizzlyBear @Hatdave @bricksquad and everyone else
  4. Virginia_RN 19, quit all day and everyday with you all.
  5. Virginia_RN 18, quit all day with @GrizzlyBear and our new addition @bricksquad and of course everyone else, quit on.
  6. Virginia_RN 17 quit all day, hoping @GrizzlyBear feels better!!!
  7. For those that have been quit a while now, have any of you noticed any regrowth of your gums, or is that something that does not grow back on its own, just curious.
  8. Virginia_RN 15 quitting dip with my fellow plebes and all the centurions
  9. Virginia_RN 14, glad to be quit with all the plebes and centurions!!
  10. Virginia_RN 13 glad to be quit with my fellow plebes and all the centurions!!!
  11. Virginia_RN 12 with all my plebe brothers and all the centurions
  12. Virginia_RN 11 another day with my fellow plebes and the centurions!!!
  13. Virginia_RN 10 quit all day with my fellow plebes and all the centurions.
  14. Virginia_RN 9 quit every day with all of you all.
  15. enjoying my day off, I am no where near a computer on my days off
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