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Quitting Dip


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Everything posted by Hatdave

  1. Hatdave 23- it's a great day to stay nic free
  2. McCoys are a bunch of dippers! That means we win the fued.
  3. Hatdave 21- quitting with @UnbridledCarnage and his double digits. Great job and keep being a bad ass quitter!!
  4. Hatdave 20- quitting another day with the plebes
  5. Hatdave 19- heading back to NC from Ohio, 500 miles with no dip!!
  6. Hatdave 16. Hanging out with a bunch of quitters
  7. Hatdave- 13. Quitting again today with unbridled. Unbridle UnbridledCarna
  8. After 35 yrs of dipping with these guys help, support & advice I've made it to day 12. Yes it's gonna suck but everyday gets easier & easier, I promise!! Today is your day to stop that shit.
  9. Hatdave- 12. quitting today, just like yesterday and tomorrow
  10. Thanks . Just keep following advise and keeping your head down plowing forward. It gets easier each day. Soon you'll be at 10 then 20 then 30. Stay strong!!
  11. Hatdave 10- my dad always told me "If you want to be rich, hang around rich people, if you want to be poor, hang around poor people." Well I want to be a quitter so I'm hanging out with the biggest and baddest quitters I could find. Double digits baby!!
  12. I'm feeling proud of my 8 days and not the newest guy in here. Now I can show them that if I can quit this shit so can they. Welcome guys, you really came to the right place!
  13. Quitting all day like the bad ass Dirty Harry with Shane and all the plebes
  14. It will take some time to learn how to navigate site. I use my phone totally except found that had to use computer to set up avatar. Reading the info and stories are a big help to me. Takes my mind off putting a dip, hearing the stories and how to deal with cravings over next couple days really helped. If it wasn't for these guys I wouldn't have made it this far and being able to beat this. Post every morning and mean it. We'll make it together!!
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