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Quitting Dip


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Everything posted by Jax

  1. Jax - 905 - There are some NICE milestones about to be achieved in here. Proud like fuck to be quit with all of you. I apologize for my inconsistent posting in here. No excuses. We're all busy and this doesn't take much time. I just need to re-focus my attention and set aside 30-minutes of each morning to posting with all my groups and you guys. I am sorry and don't want you to think I'm not taking this site seriously. Been thinking about posting an introduction as many of you don't really know me very well. I am quit with all of you and I thank you for your support.
  2. Jax - 900 - Proud to be quit with all of you today. Yes.....there will be some partying going on tonight.
  3. Jax - 897 - I am quit with all of you badass quitters today!
  4. Jax - 889 - Savannah Quit meet all weekend and zero internet. Still quit with all of you today.
  5. Jax - 885 - Tried to post late last night but the page was locked. Quit yesterday and today with all of you. Heading to Savannah for the GTG. Anyone else from here going?
  6. Jax - 880 - Like BJ said, Congrats to all of you hitting your Quit B-Day. That is an awesome accomplishment. Sorry I missed yesterday. Crazy day of work and an the HS State Cheer finals. Love me some crazy cheer moms.
  7. Jax - 876 - Congrats to Krusty on a year of badassery and quit. Proud to be quit with you.
  8. Jax - 873 - My HS baseball coach retired yesterday and I went to the ceremony thing for him with a bunch of buddies that I played baseball and football with. Epic time to say the least. He was a dipper but quit on his own 8 years ago. I couldn't wait to tell him when I quit. One more level of accountability. I golf with him a couple times a year and there is no way I could pack a lipper in front of him after telling him my quit story. Proud like fuck to be quit with all of you. See y'all tomorrow.
  9. Jax - 872 - Congrats to Sluggo and Mitch on one year of freedom. Great work, boys! I'm quit with y'all all day today.
  10. Jax - 869 - Quit again with all of you. Hitting the road today and heading to GA today. Still amazes me that I can make that 3:45 drive dip free. Hell - I couldn't drive to the corner store without a dip before.
  11. Jax - 867 - It's a beautiful day to be quit in NoFla! Gettin' my work in then settling in for some football.
  12. Jax - 866 - It's an awesome day in NoFla to be quit. Think I'll take full advantage of saying FUNic and FUCancer today.
  13. Jax - 865 Quittin' with all y'all. First post in here. Only took me an hour to figure out where I was supposed to go. Pretty sure that's a "Me" problem. Nice place ya got here.
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