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Quitting Dip


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Everything posted by BigKahuna

  1. BigKahuna-209-honored to follow the original BK. ko and Dood are KILLING it! Keep it up boys!
  2. BigKahuna-208 with ko and Dood. Ko single digits till the century mark keep on buddy!
  3. BigKahuna-208- with people who forget what scroll they're on. That's okay. "The only way to fuck up [scroll] is to not be on it"- Tuco Fuckface
  4. BigKahuna-201- quit with Dood and ko even though he seems to have a cranium to rectal inversion problem.
  5. BigKahuna-197-with any other Brainwashed pinko fucktard cunt who has half a brain.
  6. BigKahuna-195-with ko, Dood, and the Brave Sir Robin if he shows up today.
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