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Quitting Dip


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    Powerlifting, shooting, baseball
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Pawghunter's Achievements

  1. Pawghunter 52 days quit.
  2. Pawghunter 49, quitting with the crew. I won't be here for the next couple days. I will not be chewing on days 50 and 51 either. And before everyone says text someone, I don't have a cell phone.
  3. Pawghunter 48 days of quit with the crew.
  4. Pawghunter 47. Quitting today with the crew.
  5. Pawghunter 46 days of quit and 46 chromosomes. Or so I have been told.
  6. @GrizzlyBear posted in yesterday's thread instead of today's. Can someone fix it?
  7. Pawghunter 45 days of quit and growing.
  8. Wrong scroll this is yesterday's.
  9. Pawghunter, 44. Quit as quit can be.
  10. Pawghunter 43, quitting dip.
  11. Pawghunter 42, quitting.
  12. Pawghunter 41, quitting today with the crew.
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