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Quitting Dip


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Everything posted by Virginia_RN

  1. Virginia_RN 36 quit dip all day with my fellow quitting brothers and sisters
  2. Virginia_RN 35 quit all day and every day with the QD crew!!!
  3. Virginia_RN 33 quit all day and every day with the QD crew, and @GrizzlyBear my quit is hangin to the right this morning, how about you?
  4. Virginia_RN 32 quit all day and every day with all my fellow plebes and all the centurions!!!
  5. Virginia_RN 31 quitting all day and every day with everyone.
  6. Virginia_RN 29 keep on quitting with the QD crew
  7. Virginia_RN 28 almost a month without dip, quitting all day with everyone here and beyond.
  8. Another day of smoking meat, have my folks coming over today, and they have never had smoked beef, doing some brisket today, will have to post pics later, hope you have a good day man, be safe out on the rig.

  9. Happy birthday, hope you have a great one!!!

  10. Virginia_RN 27 quit all day and everyday with all you all
  11. Virginia_RN 26 loving being quit all day with with my fellow plebes and all the centurions.
  12. Virginia_RN 25 quitting dip with @GrizzlyBear @Hatdave @Lupo606 @Smiley @bricksquad and @Pawghunter
  13. Virginia_RN 24 quit all day everyday with @GrizzlyBear @Pawghunter
  14. Virginia_RN 22 quit all day and every day with all you all
  15. Virginia_RN 21 quit all day with @GrizzlyBear @Hatdave @bricksquad and everyone else
  16. Virginia_RN 19, quit all day and everyday with you all.
  17. Virginia_RN 18, quit all day with @GrizzlyBear and our new addition @bricksquad and of course everyone else, quit on.
  18. Virginia_RN 17 quit all day, hoping @GrizzlyBear feels better!!!
  19. For those that have been quit a while now, have any of you noticed any regrowth of your gums, or is that something that does not grow back on its own, just curious.
  20. Virginia_RN 15 quitting dip with my fellow plebes and all the centurions
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