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Quitting Dip


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Everything posted by Rev

  1. My wife is actually a dental hygienist. She cleans teeth for a living. She caught me dipping back in high school before she had even began to be interested in the career path. When she threatened to leave me I stopped for a long time. She knew I had history. I remember I was scheduled to go to her school and get my teeth cleaned about a month or two after I had started back up and was so scared she would catch me and break up with me over it that I came clean. She was mad but didn’t leave me. Since then going to the dentist to get my teeth cleaned didn’t bother me. I actually like it. It’s seeing the actual dentist that had me shaking. My wife actually would regularly look in my mouth at home. She even has tools at home. What scared me the most is that she would tell me that most guys that come in don’t even know they have cancer when they come in. She shares the news with them. Since being a part of this community, I realize that’s complete bullshit. I realize every time we go to the dentist, it’s nothing but fear and expecting the worst. She was helpful to have around though because every time I had a spot I was worried about she would take a look and was always reaffirming, but blunt about what could happen. Over the last couple of years it has become the unspoken understanding of our home. I was dipping but no one wanted to acknowledge it. Which forced me into ninja dipping and playing a waiting game where I either wised up or got cancer. Luckily I found you dudes and I’m not really worried about the dentist anymore. Looking forward to hearing some good news next time I go.
  2. Rev 28 Know what else is titanium? Deez nuts!
  3. Welcome! Glad to be quit with you today!
  4. Rev 22. Sorry im a little later than usual. Wasn't feeling well and slept in today. Stay quit guys and gals!
  5. Quit, don’t spit. Rev 21 with everyone!
  6. “Do or do not, there is no try.” Rev - 20
  7. Rev coming in hot at 16 days. It’s a good day to be a plebe.
  8. Rev 11 - Congrats to my bro JD for breaking a month! Nice work man.
  9. Rev is 10 days quit and that feels awesome.
  10. Rev immediately following with Day 9! Have a great day, fellas.
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