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Quitting Dip


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Everything posted by Zook

  1. BazookaJoe 182 with BRO, Napalm, and Sinner
  2. BazookaJoe 181 congrats to all you quitters that are making the full trip around the sun. You give quitters at the halfway point the power to persevere.
  3. BazookaJoe 179 Hey BRO, I feel more like a dollar than a cent, lol.
  4. BazookaJoe 178 with BRO, Napalm, and Sinner
  5. BazookaJoe 177 with BRO, Napalm, and Sinner
  6. BazookaJoe 176 with BRO, Napalm, and Sinner
  7. BazookaJoe 175 with BRO, Napalm, and Sinner
  8. BazookaJoe day 173, congrats on the year to Mitch and Slug.
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