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Quitting Dip


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Posts posted by NotSloth

  1. Ready to quit dipping, and wondering if you can do it? Will it be too hard? Prepare for the worst, and deal with the symptoms of nicotine withdrawal as they come. What is the timeline of quitting dip? I never had anywhere near as much trouble as I did during that first week. I was dealing with insomnia, cold sweats, headaches, etc. That could be down the road for you, or you might find a way to head those symptoms off, whether through exercise, drinking water, or using oral fixation substitutes like hard candy, seeds, or fake chew. Listen to the wide variety of advice guys will give you here, and find what works for you. Either way, no looking back, just forward. You will hear “embrace the suck” and this means  “remember how this feels, focus on what it means, and never go through it again”. For me it was more a matter of learning to slow down and focus on the craves. Breath deep and know that I can control this. You will find power in beating nicotine.

    People have different symptoms of withdrawal and struggle with different things. But every quit is the same. It all starts with the quit scroll. Any urge you might have should get cancelled out immediately by your scroll post. Because you are either  a man of your word, or you are not. When you're ready to join us, put your name on the quit scroll. Until then, I can tell you that quitting will be the best and most important decision you've ever made. The bottom line is, if you want this to work, It will. Quitting dip is important, and it should be easy. You'll be amazed at the feeling of liberation that comes with quitting nicotine. Most of us have made many positive steps in other aspects of our lives, and the catalyst was quitting dip.

  2. You have decided to quit dipping. Welcome to the greatest decision you have ever made in your life. Find today’s Quit Scroll, and put the number 1 next to your name. Make your promise to yourself, and to us, that you will not use tobacco or nicotine of any form today. We all make this promise every morning. For new guys this promise is the grounding that keeps you from dipping throughout the day. For those of us who KNOW that we are quit, the daily promise is a way to remember the addiction and stave off complacency. The fight against the can is an ongoing battle. It has taken up a large portion of your life, now is the time to fight back!

    Read up on everything you can on this forum. Explore. Check out all of the advice and resources we have here. And, most importantly, Quit Today! If you can promise me that, then I promise to be right alongside you in this battle against dip!

    Are you waiting for the right time to quit dipping? There isn’t a “right time to quit." Thinking you can wait for that perfect window is an excuse that will lead you back to the can every time. Stopped for two weeks... but now your girlfriend dumped you? Not the right time. Having trouble finding a job? Not the right time. Fast forward, and twenty more years have passed with you shoving that shit in your mouth. When you start reading through the intros here, they will obviously have a very familiar ring. We were just like you before we quit. Now we are nothing like you, the addicted/pathetic you. We are the Quit you, the you that you could be. 
    If you quit dipping, you are going to get a lot stronger, very soon. You are going to feel much better. You are going to develop something that we call a “Quit Dick”.  Never seen a giant Quitter Dick before? Go head over to the QD showers. We have huge dicks here. That’s just shorthand for... “we’ve developed a mindset that has enabled us to be free from the slavery of nicotine”.  Every morning I make a promise to myself and the other dudes here not to dip today. I am committed to doing that every morning. And I will never break that promise. Therefore, I have zero chance of ever chewing again. So I don't need to ever think about it. I don’t need to stress about what life might throw at me. I don’t have white knuckles. Some people get very wrapped up in the difference between cravings and withdrawals and reward centers and urges and blah blah blah. It is very much overcomplicating this shit. I don't give a fuck about any of that. My lizard brain can go fuck itself. I am driving this ship, and nicotine can totally get fucked. That's the mindset, but just the surface. 
    Make a commitment and do yourself a favor by posting your promise not to dip, daily on the quit scroll.. 

  3. When I put my name on the scroll for the first time I was all in for quitting dip. I just didn't know it for a few days.

    Once I found my resolve I, I knew I had quit dipping. 29 years of being a sneaky ass addict was enough for me and I had arrived at my last option cause all the other ways to quit dipping failed me, by allowing me to keep putting the drug in my body.

    I don't know if its possible to express the concept of "Quit" to a person but here goes.

    This is my life. I've got people in my life that care about me and I care about my own health now. I'm not gonna let nicotine take that away.

    I have posted my promise every single fucking day since day 1. Why? Cause the fact that I quit dipping matters to me and it takes nothing to make that promise, except integrity. It was a big deal for me because this concept of quitting dip based on accountability pulled my head out of my ass. I made it 3 days, then 3 months, a year, two. I'm not gonna fuck with it.

    If it was all just as simple as not putting the stuff in our faces anymore we wouldn't need to be here. 

    Quit isn't just quit. Its an attitude and resolve that orbits our integrity. Without those two things how can a person expect to succeed after all the past failure?

    It's time to Quit Dipping. 

    You wouldn't be reading this if you didn't know that. People don't casually browse the internet for cures to an addiction that you don't have. You know you are addicted, whether you admit or not. You're not sure? Have you ever tried to quit before, and failed? How many times? Have you ever tried nicotine replacement therapies, but found that you are still craving, irritable, and miserable? Ever pulled your patch off so you can have a real one, "when you really needed it"? Ever had a girlfriend or wife lay down the law, "it's me or the dip"? And, of course you chose her. But not really, so you had to take your dipping underground for a while? Ever thrown a tin out of a window, only to find yourself looking through the bushes later? Digging through dumpsters? I could go on and on. Yeah, you're in the right place. 

    No matter what strategy you have employed in the past, we both know it hasn’t worked. This place will. The excuses you have used in the past won’t work here. The temporary withdrawal symptoms of quitting dipping are not going to kill you.  We know, because we all survived them. No, you're not more addicted than we were. No, we don't care what brand you used to chew. Yes, you can actually function at work and home without your “crutch” to make you “more relaxed”. Your life will improve dramatically once you quit dipping. You might remember stopping for a few weeks, and you have an idea that it was hell 'because you had quit'. It was hell because you didn’t know how to quit until now.  We’ll change your mindset, and we will lay out the timeline of quitting nicotine. The only thing that you need to do to succeed in a 100% effective method of quitting dipping is to show up here every day, listen to the advice of the members, and follow the only two rules we have here....

    Post your promise not to dip every morning, and keep your word. 

  4. This is real simple: I joined here because I dipped for 25 years. I quit dipping because I was tired of always looking for my next fix. We are here because we all need help quitting dip. This place works if you let it. The biggest thing is, you have to let it. There is power in just remembering that you are quit now, and that chewing tobacco is not an option anymore. Don't merely "put away the can". Excise that cancer causing worm dirt from your very existence. Take a sledgehammer and smash that evil can to visualize the endeavor you're going to partake in.

    Nobody can quit for you, but we're all in this together, and your part is keeping that shit out of your lip. Quitting Dip is a lot easier if you lean on us when needed. You can be reassured that what you're feeling is normal, that the nicotine withdrawal symptoms are almost over….  and that while you're not being a pussy by feeling like shit and complaining, you would be a pussy if you fail.
    Posting on the scroll is a daily promise to everyone here that you are not going to use nicotine in any form. If you wake up and post your promise first thing, you leave no room to let the nicotine whispers affect you. The people that end up giving in to temptation are usually the ones that haven’t built up that accountability, and haven’t been posting first thing. They leave the door open so they have an out, do me a favor and slam that door shut every day. 

    When I was in your shoes I had no idea how good each +1 would make me feel, and that feeling will come to you one day as well.  Stay as close to this site as possible, post on the scroll early every damn day, talk to us, ask questions, rage on us, stay focused, drink lots of water, avoid alcohol for a while, beware of triggers, and always remember that adding nicotine to a problem only makes two problems. I'm glad you're here and have taken the first step.

    This place is for people who understand that quitting dipping is life and death, and are ready to take the necessary steps to stay on top of it.  Why are the folks here killing it every day? Because we are men and women of our word. Because we all have gone through the SAME nicotine cravings and suck that you are. Guys that have hit the scroll every day take pride in that fact. Quitting takes discipline, but nowhere near that amount of sacrifice that you are making every time you put that garbage in your mouth.


    It's time to Quit Dipping. 

    You wouldn't be reading this if you didn't know that. People don't casually browse the internet for cures to an addiction that you don't have. You know you are addicted, whether you admit or not. You're not sure? Have you ever tried to quit before, and failed? How many times? 

    No matter what strategy you have employed in the past, we all know it hasn’t worked. This place will. The excuses you have used in the past won’t work here. The temporary withdrawal symptoms of quitting dipping are not going to kill you.  We know, because we all survived them. They're actually not that hard to manage if you have the correct mindset. No, you're not more addicted than we were. No, we don't care what brand you used to chew. Yes, you can actually function at work and home without your “crutch” to make you “more relaxed”.

    Your life will improve dramatically once you quit dipping. You might remember stopping for a few weeks, and you have an idea that it was hell 'because you had quit'. It was hell because you didn’t know how to quit until now.  We’ll change your mindset, and we will lay out the timeline of quitting nicotine. The only thing that you need to do to succeed in a 100% effective method of quitting dipping is to show up here every day, listen to the advice of the members, and follow the only two rules we have here....

    Post your promise not to dip every morning, and keep your word. 

    If you are ready to quit, go to today's Quit Scroll and post your name and Day 1. Look for messages on the scroll or in your inbox from other dudes who have done this already. Or start an intro, and you can have a centralized place for people to welcome you, offer some advice, or kick your ass when you need it. If you think you are not ready to quit, what are you waiting for? That excuse sucks. 

    • Like 1
  5. I was able to quit dipping because I give these guys my word daily.  Somehow the days add up and you become the man you were supposed to be.  No one was created to be a slave to a plant.   I know now that it was holding me back. Keeping me from enjoying life to the fullest. Making me look small to friends and family. Contributing to stress. Making me a slave. A powerless bitch. Now? I am a fucking bad ass. I quit dipping.  Even though I will always be an addict, I never think about or consider using chewing tobacco anymore.  I would have never thought that to be possible but it's true.  Here there are a bunch of bad ass quitters that are a few weeks, months, or years ahead of where you are tonight.  We all decided that we were going to grow up and not be a pussy anymore.  We've all been sitting where you are tonight.  If you do the work, our method is 100% guaranteed.  We are here to help.  
    Holding on to a “trophy can” to prove you are strong enough to look at it without using it? Dumb. Think you need to keep a can for “just in case”? There is absolutely no sense in keeping an emergency can around.  That's like an alcoholic keeping a sixer in the fridge, just in case.  Neither are fully invested in their quits.  If you don't fully invest, you fail.  There are a bunch of guys in your corner, rooting for you to win.  You need to quit dipping, it could save your life.  There is nothing that fucking evil weed ever did for you except get its hooks in you, and make you pay a shit-ton of money for a chance at cancer.  Fuck that.  You made a great decision to quit, now it's just a matter of sticking to the plan.   Fight through this shit minute by minute if you have to.  You put your name on scroll, promising not to use.  That's a promise you made to yourself, and to all of us.  A real man of integrity never goes back on his promises ... his word carries value.  Wake up tomorrow, and first fucking thing make that promise here on scroll.  Once completed, using is off the table!  That's the beauty of our system.  Embrace it, freedom is on the other side!!  It's gonna suck until it doesn't.  We're all here to tell you, from 7 days quit to 2000+ days quit ... the juice is worth the squeeze. 

    Another reason this website works, the reason you see so many large numbers is that we all realize there is no reset button here.  We take pride in knowing that others can put a value to our promise.  If you yourself think maybe you can't keep a promise, you're toast.  This will be just another stoppage ... not a quit.  Don't be that dude.  Don't be a disappointment, again. Sure, in the past some of us tried quitting dip and failed ... but that was when we were depending on our friends/family for accountability. They can’t hold you accountable, because they are not willing to throw away that relationship just because you went back on your promise to never dip again. 

    Once we bought into the support group here at QD, everything changed.  We became part of a community of badass former addicts.  There is no god damn way I'll ever disappoint myself, or the quitters here ... never.  Once you want that level of quit, you just need to execute.  Listen, read, learn.  


    It's time to Quit Dipping. 

    You wouldn't be reading this if you didn't know that. People don't casually browse the internet for cures to an addiction that you don't have. You know you are addicted, whether you admit or not. You're not sure? Have you ever tried to quit before, and failed? How many times? 

    No matter what strategy you have employed in the past, we all know it hasn’t worked. This place will. The excuses you have used in the past won’t work here. The temporary withdrawal symptoms of quitting dipping are not going to kill you.  We know, because we all survived them. They're actually not that hard to manage if you have the correct mindset. No, you're not more addicted than we were. No, we don't care what brand you used to chew. Yes, you can actually function at work and home without your “crutch” to make you “more relaxed”.

    Your life will improve dramatically once you quit dipping. You might remember stopping for a few weeks, and you have an idea that it was hell 'because you had quit'. It was hell because you didn’t know how to quit until now.  We’ll change your mindset, and we will lay out the timeline of quitting nicotine. The only thing that you need to do to succeed in a 100% effective method of quitting dipping is to show up here every day, listen to the advice of the members, and follow the only two rules we have here....

    Post your promise not to dip every morning, and keep your word. 

    If you are ready to quit, go to today's Quit Scrolland post your name and Day 1. Look for messages on the scroll or in your inbox from other dudes who have done this already. Or start an intro, and you can have a centralized place for people to welcome you, offer some advice, or kick your ass when you need it. If you think you are not ready to quit, what are you waiting for? That excuse sucks. 

    • Like 3
  6. One of the biggest reasons we’re still here is that someone, at some point, helped us and taught us how to quit chewing tobacco. We are hoping to help you quit dipping the same way that someone did for us as newbs.  The eventual taste of freedom when you quit dipping, and the value of the assist from those who knew how to quit better than us foggy bastards, is pretty much immeasurable.  The gratefulness of “being free” leads dudes who have decency to try to pay it forward, and backward. Recovered addicts with self-awareness, and a firm grasp on the struggle to quit dipping ... that's who most of us are.
    You'll find that the experiences you thought were unique to you regarding dipping are universal among those of us here.  We've all been there.  I dipped for 22 years and TRIED to quit dipping by myself more times than I care to admit... before finally breaking free from nicotine.  It's simple here: we make a promise 1st thing every morning to ourself and our fellow quitters that we aren't going to dip that day.  Sack up - as you know from prior "stoppages" the first few days are tough. They’re actually unbearable if you don’t understand how quitting dipping should be done.  Get on here and read as much as you can, and drink lots of water and try to exercise.

    It's time to Quit Dipping. 

    You wouldn't be reading this if you didn't know that. People don't casually browse the internet for cures to an addiction that you don't have. You know you are addicted, whether you admit or not. You're not sure? Have you ever tried to quit before, and failed? How many times? 

    No matter what strategy you have employed in the past, we all know it hasn’t worked. This place will. The excuses you have used in the past won’t work here. The temporary withdrawal symptoms of quitting dipping are not going to kill you.  We know, because we all survived them. They're actually not that hard to manage if you have the correct mindset. No, you're not more addicted than we were. No, we don't care what brand you used to chew. Yes, you can actually function at work and home without your “crutch” to make you “more relaxed”.

    Your life will improve dramatically once you quit dipping. You might remember stopping for a few weeks, and you have an idea that it was hell 'because you had quit'. It was hell because you didn’t know how to quit until now.  We’ll change your mindset, and we will lay out the timeline of quitting nicotine. The only thing that you need to do to succeed in a 100% effective method of quitting dipping is to show up here every day, listen to the advice of the members, and follow the only two rules we have here....

    Post your promise not to dip every morning, and keep your word. 

    If you are ready to quit, go to today's Quit Scrolland post your name and Day 1. Look for messages on the scroll or in your inbox from other dudes who have done this already. Or start an intro, and you can have a centralized place for people to welcome you, offer some advice, or kick your ass when you need it. If you think you are not ready to quit, what are you waiting for? That excuse sucks. 

  7. We are here to help you quit dipping and nothing less. This is not your standard half assed group of people that stop chewing tobacco, but then start bailing out at day 10 because they are cured, or decide that they really wanted to dip all the time, not be free of addiction.

    We have seen a lot of bad reasons for being here and a lot bad excuses to start again. Only the idea that you are here to save yourself, and an attitude that you hate what nicotine has done to you will lead to success.


    So what's it gonna be? Are you here because quitting will make other people happy? Or have you had enough of this addiction?

    This is the time and the place that you will succeed, but you gotta do it and we are here to celebrate your success. Planning to win?

    Flush your bag of addict excuses down the toilet and realize that nicotine is aimed at killing you and is not a warm fuzzy little wubby that we run back to when we have a few drinks or wanna get back at the wife.


    Just to clarify - it is easy to quit dipping once you get the right mindset and get past the initial withdrawal symptoms.  Make your promise to quit dipping today, and keep it, and you will be looking back on a week, then a month, then a year before you know it because you have quit as of today.

    Take your quit seriously and we will take you seriously.

    It's time to Quit Dipping. 

    You wouldn't be reading this if you didn't know that. People don't casually browse the internet for cures to an addiction that you don't have. You know you are addicted, whether you admit or not. You're not sure? Have you ever tried to quit before, and failed? How many times? 

    No matter what strategy you have employed in the past, we all know it hasn’t worked. This place will. The excuses you have used in the past won’t work here. The temporary withdrawal symptoms of quitting dipping are not going to kill you.  We know, because we all survived them. They're actually not that hard to manage if you have the correct mindset. No, you're not more addicted than we were. No, we don't care what brand you used to chew. Yes, you can actually function at work and home without your “crutch” to make you “more relaxed”.

    Your life will improve dramatically once you quit dipping. You might remember stopping for a few weeks, and you have an idea that it was hell 'because you had quit'. It was hell because you didn’t know how to quit until now.  We’ll change your mindset, and we will lay out the timeline of quitting nicotine. The only thing that you need to do to succeed in a 100% effective method of quitting dipping is to show up here every day, listen to the advice of the members, and follow the only two rules we have here....

    Post your promise not to dip every morning, and keep your word. 

    If you are ready to quit, go to today's Quit Scrolland post your name and Day 1. Look for messages on the scroll or in your inbox from other dudes who have done this already. Or start an intro, and you can have a centralized place for people to welcome you, offer some advice, or kick your ass when you need it. If you think you are not ready to quit, what are you waiting for? That excuse sucks. 

  8. Think you can’t get through the routines of life if you quit dipping? 

    Yeah, we all used to dip after every meal. I used to dip every time I shit too. I convinced myself I couldn't shit without it. Having a meal or needing to shit without a can in my pocket would induce panic. Guess what? Now that I have quit dipping, I can still eat and take a dump. I haven't chewed after a meal in years, and I have shit at least once a day every day for years, without dip. I enjoy my meals much more now that I am not racing through my meals to get to my dip, and I can shit much more easily now that I am not shitting three or four times a day because of the laxative I was putting in my lip all day. Or maybe it wasn’t a laxative at all. Maybe I was just forcing myself to shit that often because it gave me an excuse to sit on the toilet and dip in private. 

    Life is much better when you are not a slave. Let go of all of that old shit and embrace the system here…Post your number, learn how to speak and live Quit, build a hatred for that controlling poison. You will honestly have to “learn” how to do some things without dip, and you’ll be very worried that they’re not possible without dip. Even an active addict like yourself has to realize that that notion is simultaneously absurd, and terrifying. Absurd because…. Of course you can take a shit without nicotine. Terrifying because… until you actually quit dipping, you will be convinced that you can’t do certain activities without it… that’s the level of control that nicotine has over you right now. 

    It's time to Quit Dipping. 

    You wouldn't be reading this if you didn't know that. People don't casually browse the internet for cures to an addiction that you don't have. You know you are addicted, whether you admit or not. You're not sure? Have you ever tried to quit before, and failed? How many times? 

    No matter what strategy you have employed in the past, we all know it hasn’t worked. This place will. The excuses you have used in the past won’t work here. The temporary withdrawal symptoms of quitting dipping are not going to kill you.  We know, because we all survived them. They're actually not that hard to manage if you have the correct mindset. No, you're not more addicted than we were. No, we don't care what brand you used to chew. Yes, you can actually function at work and home without your “crutch” to make you “more relaxed”.

    Your life will improve dramatically once you quit dipping. You might remember stopping for a few weeks, and you have an idea that it was hell 'because you had quit'. It was hell because you didn’t know how to quit until now.  We’ll change your mindset, and we will lay out the timeline of quitting nicotine. The only thing that you need to do to succeed in a 100% effective method of quitting dipping is to show up here every day, listen to the advice of the members, and follow the only two rules we have here....

    Post your promise not to dip every morning, and keep your word. 

    If you are ready to quit, go to today's Quit Scrolland post your name and Day 1. Look for messages on the scroll or in your inbox from other dudes who have done this already. Or start an intro, and you can have a centralized place for people to welcome you, offer some advice, or kick your ass when you need it. If you think you are not ready to quit, what are you waiting for? That excuse sucks. 

    • Like 1
  9. This forum is fairly simple. Commit yourself to quitting dipping. Post your daily scroll promise not to use nicotine, and honor it. The folks here have all quit dipping already, and they can provide encouragement and accountability. Take advantage of the resources here. Close the door on nicotine addiction and step out into the light. Feels good out here.

    I used nicotine as a depression “crutch” for a long long long time. It wasn't a crutch, it was an addiction. I made excuse after excuse to keep feeding my face with that shit for nearly 20 years. Now there are no excuses. Throw away your excuse book, be accountable to quitting dipping, and find your integrity. You can quit dipping and you will if you want it. 


    It's time to Quit Dipping. 

    You wouldn't be reading this if you didn't know that. People don't casually browse the internet for cures to an addiction that you don't have. You know you are addicted, whether you admit or not. You're not sure? Have you ever tried to quit before, and failed? How many times? 

    No matter what strategy you have employed in the past, we all know it hasn’t worked. This place will. The excuses you have used in the past won’t work here. The temporary withdrawal symptoms of quitting dipping are not going to kill you.  We know, because we all survived them. They're actually not that hard to manage if you have the correct mindset. No, you're not more addicted than we were. No, we don't care what brand you used to chew. Yes, you can actually function at work and home without your “crutch” to make you “more relaxed”.

    Your life will improve dramatically once you quit dipping. You might remember stopping for a few weeks, and you have an idea that it was hell 'because you had quit'. It was hell because you didn’t know how to quit until now.  We’ll change your mindset, and we will lay out the timeline of quitting nicotine. The only thing that you need to do to succeed in a 100% effective method of quitting dipping is to show up here every day, listen to the advice of the members, and follow the only two rules we have here....

    Post your promise not to dip every morning, and keep your word. 

    If you are ready to quit, go to today's Quit Scrolland post your name and Day 1. Look for messages on the scroll or in your inbox from other dudes who have done this already. Or start an intro, and you can have a centralized place for people to welcome you, offer some advice, or kick your ass when you need it. If you think you are not ready to quit, what are you waiting for? That excuse sucks. 

  10. Are you here because you are having a health scare? Do you have a little boo boo in your mouth that you think is cancer? Well, it’s probably not. Does that mean it’s not time to quit dipping? Does your throat hurt real bad? Think you’re going to have to use one of those vibrator things for the rest of your life? Fuck your pain in the throat, pussy. It means nothing. It’s probably not related to your chewing. Does that make you want to chew again? If so, pack your bags, bitch. We didn’t quit dipping because of a sore throat, we didn’t quit dipping because our doctor said to, and we didn’t quit dipping because our wife said we had to. We quit because we wanted to be free of addiction. Because we couldn't bear to live under the yoke of slavery to nicotine. Because we wanted to be in control of our lives. Because we wanted to live. 
    The first thing you need to understand is what QUIT is. It isn’t sitting around lamenting about the fact you used to chew, lusting for it like some chick you banged for a while, and it's not about being nervous you might run into a tough situation like a long drive, or dipping when you are sad or stressed out. It's knowing that nicotine never helped you, and did nothing for you. That you don't give a fuck about anything else except the fact that you are in control of yourself. That you have no desire to chew. Right now you might be having physical withdrawal, your body might start doing whatever it can to make you feel like you need it. That’s different than wanting to chew. 
    I've got good news, if you "don't want to chew again" you never will again. Because unlike what that statement makes it sound like, no one accidentally has a dip, and there is definitely no chance someone sticks a gun to your head and forces you to dip. Talking like a passive observer who is hoping for the best is not going to work. Talk like you have a pair, and also give a shit about the outcome. If you're here to "try" and "hope," don't bother. Start speaking all quit and only quit right now, because it is the only way to make it. Your actions will follow your words, actions become habits, and habits become character,
    Whether you want to believe it or not, (because it makes you accountable), you are responsible for all of your actions. You are the master of your fate. I WILL NOT EVER CHEW TOBACCO AGAIN. That's a fucking promise. I make it every day, and that promise is rock solid. If I commit to making it every day, this shit isn't even difficult. Go ahead, think about it. If you make that promise every morning, you only have two options. Quit dipping, or break your word. If breaking your word is an option, this place is not for you. Will you make a promise to quit every day? Will you keep your word? Will you commit to doing those simple steps every day in order to save your life and be free? If yes, this shouldn't be hard. Fuck one day at a time. Take the pressure away. Commit. Every day. 
    There is no excuse, there is no reason, there is no anything that will lead to a place where nicotine is anything other than poison.

    It's time to Quit Dipping. 

    You wouldn't be reading this if you didn't know that. People don't casually browse the internet for cures to an addiction that you don't have. You know you are addicted, whether you admit or not. You're not sure? Have you ever tried to quit before, and failed? How many times? 

    No matter what strategy you have employed in the past, we all know it hasn’t worked. This place will. The excuses you have used in the past won’t work here. The temporary withdrawal symptoms of quitting dipping are not going to kill you.  We know, because we all survived them. They're actually not that hard to manage if you have the correct mindset. No, you're not more addicted than we were. No, we don't care what brand you used to chew. Yes, you can actually function at work and home without your “crutch” to make you “more relaxed”.

    Your life will improve dramatically once you quit dipping. You might remember stopping for a few weeks, and you have an idea that it was hell 'because you had quit'. It was hell because you didn’t know how to quit until now.  We’ll change your mindset, and we will lay out the timeline of quitting nicotine. The only thing that you need to do to succeed in a 100% effective method of quitting dipping is to show up here every day, listen to the advice of the members, and follow the only two rules we have here....

    Post your promise not to dip every morning, and keep your word. 

    If you are ready to quit, go to today's Quit Scroll and post your name and Day 1. Look for messages on the scroll or in your inbox from other dudes who have done this already. Or start an intro, and you can have a centralized place for people to welcome you, offer some advice, or kick your ass when you need it. If you think you are not ready to quit, what are you waiting for? That excuse sucks. 

  11. The good news is if you dig in and quit dipping here you'll find that you are surrounded by a bunch of like-minded dipshits who tried to quit on their own ... and failed.  Only with the support of a bunch of common-users did we all pull our heads out of our asses, and our fingers out of a tin. Life is fucking great after you quit chewing tobacco.  I'm no longer a slave to same damn weed. Women dig me more, bucks smell less of me, ducks seem to light in the decoys that much more readily now. Well, 2 outta 3 ain't bad.

    Where was I?  Oh yeah. We post a daily promise here, and we quit dipping to START our day.  It's funny how promising to a bunch of strangers that you won't use nicotine for the day works.  After a while, we're definitely not strangers. We're on your side, fighting the same battle. You CAN do this ... just search for the testicular fortitude it takes to be consistent, and get on scroll to start your day each and every day.  Quit Dipping 1st, everything else falls into place.  

    It's time to Quit Dipping. 

    You wouldn't be reading this if you didn't know that. People don't casually browse the internet for cures to an addiction that you don't have. You know you are addicted, whether you admit or not. You're not sure? Have you ever tried to quit before, and failed? How many times? Have you ever tried nicotine replacement therapies, but found that you are still craving, irritable, and miserable? Ever pulled your patch off so you can have a real one, "when you really needed it"? Ever had a girlfriend or wife lay down the law, "it's me or the dip"? And, of course you chose her. But not really, so you had to take your dipping underground for a while? Ever thrown a tin out of a window, only to find yourself looking through the bushes later? Digging through dumpsters? I could go on and on. Yeah, you're in the right place. 

    No matter what strategy you have employed in the past, we both know it hasn’t worked. This place will. The excuses you have used in the past won’t work here. The temporary withdrawal symptoms of quitting dipping are not going to kill you.  We know, because we all survived them. No, you're not more addicted than we were. No, we don't care what brand you used to chew. Yes, you can actually function at work and home without your “crutch” to make you “more relaxed”. Your life will improve dramatically once you quit dipping. You might remember stopping for a few weeks, and you have an idea that it was hell 'because you had quit'. It was hell because you didn’t know how to quit until now.  We’ll change your mindset, and we will lay out the timeline of quitting nicotine. The only thing that you need to do to succeed in a 100% effective method of quitting dipping is to show up here every day, listen to the advice of the members, and follow the only two rules we have here....

    Post your promise not to dip every morning, and keep your word. 

  12. Post your promise to quit dipping today and prove to yourself, and us, that you are committed to being Quit. You found this place for a reason. Methods for quitting chewing tobacco that work are virtually non existent. Fortunately you found a quit method that works.    

    Addiction is about excuses and nothing else when you've buried yourself in it as long as you have. Reach into your back pocket or behind the toilet or under the car seat and pull out that old worn excuse book. Toss that fucker in the toilet and flush. Even that can you were going to keep as a trophy to prove you were strong.

    Are you one of them sneaky ass ninja dippers... or the guy that had the big ole chaw in spitting between sentences? Either way, you found the right place. Read the intros here. You are not unique or special here - quit and respect are gained by posting your promise daily and pulling your head out.

    Welcome. Start quitting.


    And the only method for quitting dipping that any of us have ever found to work is quitting cold turkey, with the help of other quitters. The method that we use here. If you found Quitting Dip, you’ve been struggling with nicotine for a long time. You have probably tried to quit. Perhaps you’ve even admitted to yourself that you are addicted to chewing tobacco. 

    No matter what strategy you have employed in the past, we both know it hasn’t worked. Otherwise, you would be quit, like the rest of us. The excuses you have used in the past won’t work here. The temporary withdrawal symptoms of quitting dipping are not going to kill you. You can actually function at work and home without your “crutch” to make you “more relaxed”. Your life will improve dramatically once you quit dipping. You might remember stopping for a few weeks, and you have an idea that it was hell 'because you had quit'. It was hell because you didn’t know how to quit until now. 

    We’ll change your mindset, and we will lay out the timeline of quitting nicotine. The only thing that you need to do to participate in a 100% effective method of quitting dipping is to show up here every day, follow the advice of the members, and follow the only two rules we have here....Post your promise not to dip every morning, and keep your word. If you are ready to quit dipping, post up on the Plebe Scroll

    Otherwise, visit the support center, or read some speeches

    • Like 2
  13. Wake, piss, get on Quitting Dip, post to scroll to show that you are quit.  Once that promise is made, there is no option to use any form of nicotine ... period.  Do it early every damn day without fail. Will power is POWER. Bowing to your "nicotine cravings" is weakness.  Choose power over weakness. Embrace the fact you have quit dipping.. Use your scroll post as daily affirmation that you ARE quit. It's an old saying, "The road to quit is littered with the bodies of the weak".  Take charge, quit chewing tobacco, and burn the boats… and your legacy won't be one of a failure, a body strewn along the road to quit. Alternatively, you'll take your ball and leave; making excuses about work, family, stress, or any other useless reason that people use to justify failure ...just like other weak bodies before you.  Your choice. Quit dipping.

    It's time to Quit Dipping. 

    You wouldn't be reading this if you didn't know that. People don't casually browse the internet for cures to an addiction that you don't have. You know you are addicted, whether you admit or not. You're not sure? Have you ever tried to quit before, and failed? How many times? Have you ever tried nicotine replacement therapies, but found that you are still craving, irritable, and miserable? Ever pulled your patch off so you can have a real one, "when you really needed it"? Ever had a girlfriend or wife lay down the law, "it's me or the dip"? And, of course you chose her. But not really, so you had to take your dipping underground for a while? Ever thrown a tin out of a window, only to find yourself looking through the bushes later? Digging through dumpsters? I could go on and on. Yeah, you're in the right place. 

    No matter what strategy you have employed in the past, we both know it hasn’t worked. This place will. The excuses you have used in the past won’t work here. The temporary withdrawal symptoms of quitting dipping are not going to kill you.  We know, because we all survived them. No, you're not more addicted than we were. No, we don't care what brand you used to chew. Yes, you can actually function at work and home without your “crutch” to make you “more relaxed”. Your life will improve dramatically once you quit dipping. You might remember stopping for a few weeks, and you have an idea that it was hell 'because you had quit'. It was hell because you didn’t know how to quit until now.  We’ll change your mindset, and we will lay out the timeline of quitting nicotine. The only thing that you need to do to succeed in a 100% effective method of quitting dipping is to show up here every day, listen to the advice of the members, and follow the only two rules we have here....

    Post your promise not to dip every morning, and keep your word. 


  14. I had some stoppages over the years before I quit chewing tobacco. I'd say i was done, throw away a can & then spend a few weeks sad, mopey and missing the can, all the while patting myself on the back. Then, I'd find a great excuse to buy another one.... traffic was bad, wife's a cunt, my pinky toe hurts, must be a lack of copenhagen.... and the stoppage would be over.

    Then one day, I decided i wanted to quit dipping. I didn't want to die. I found these assholes & haven't looked back. I don't ever have a single solitary thought about dipping anymore.  It's hard to comprehend right now for you. Your body will be  detoxing that shit. Your addict mind is going to fuck with you hard for a while. We've all been there & here we are. Still standing and still quit. I'm convinced that the reason this is my quit and not a stoppage is that I bought into this system from Day 1. 

    It's time to Quit Dipping. 

    You wouldn't be reading this if you didn't know that. People don't casually browse the internet for cures to an addiction that you don't have. You know you are addicted, whether you admit or not. You're not sure? Have you ever tried to quit before, and failed? How many times? Have you ever tried nicotine replacement therapies, but found that you are still craving, irritable, and miserable? Ever pulled your patch off so you can have a real one, "when you really needed it"? Ever had a girlfriend or wife lay down the law, "it's me or the dip"? And, of course you chose her. But not really, so you had to take your dipping underground for a while? Ever thrown a tin out of a window, only to find yourself looking through the bushes later? Digging through dumpsters? I could go on and on. Yeah, you're in the right place. 

    No matter what strategy you have employed in the past, we both know it hasn’t worked. This place will. The excuses you have used in the past won’t work here. The temporary withdrawal symptoms of quitting dipping are not going to kill you.  We know, because we all survived them. No, you're not more addicted than we were. No, we don't care what brand you used to chew. Yes, you can actually function at work and home without your “crutch” to make you “more relaxed”. Your life will improve dramatically once you quit dipping. You might remember stopping for a few weeks, and you have an idea that it was hell 'because you had quit'. It was hell because you didn’t know how to quit until now.  We’ll change your mindset, and we will lay out the timeline of quitting nicotine. The only thing that you need to do to succeed in a 100% effective method of quitting dipping is to show up here every day, listen to the advice of the members, and follow the only two rules we have here....

    Post your promise not to dip every morning, and keep your word. 

    • Like 1
  15. Before I committed to quitting dip, I wasn't planning on really participating on this forum. I just was trying to read the boards so I could figure out what the fuck is wrong with my brain. I was just tired. Tired of making every excuse in the book. Tired of being drunk and walking to a 7-11 just to find they don't have my brand. Has an uber driver ever told you that YOU are the loser? Cause mine did after the third 7-11 we had checked cause Copenhagen mint was hard to find. Like that Uber driver has their shit together....I think not. One star you fucking hypocrite. Anyway I digress. What I'm really trying to get at is I'm here to quit dipping and to quit dipping forever. 

    An hour per dip was par for me, which means, I dipped nearly every minute of the day sans eating, sleeping, and showering. Before I quit chewing tobacco I was “lucky” enough to be able to dip at work, cause I mainly worked from home. I go into an office for like 4 hours a day. Taking a break half way for a 20 min dip and also needing one to take dump. As soon as I got in my car to go home until bed, constantly. If you're wondering how to stay single, that's your answer. 

    Once you quit dipping, each day free from that fucking poison is better than the previous.  Triggers come early in a quit, but each time you internally say "fuck you" you're winning,  The premise here is simple, but genius at the same time.  Wake up, piss, post your promise not to use.  Make it 24 hours, keep that cat shit out of your lip, repeat.  Anyone with a set of marbles can make it 24 hours.  Soon days start stacking into months, months into years ... you'll be quit.  Just own your shit.  By that I mean embrace what this site has to offer, and be a man of integrity and honor your word ... follow through. 

    You're surrounded here by addicts to nicotine, and we've all got stories just like you.  One major difference right now is that across the board, all of us despise that fucking plant ... what it does to your health, your wallet, your connections with family and friends.  Slowly killing you, all the while you get to pay for it.  Heaven is the freedom you can expect when quit dipping.  You have no idea .. but you will.  Flip that switch.  Fuck nicotine.


    It's time to Quit Dipping. 

    You wouldn't be reading this if you didn't know that. People don't casually browse the internet for cures to an addiction that you don't have. You know you are addicted, whether you admit or not. You're not sure? Have you ever tried to quit before, and failed? How many times? Have you ever tried nicotine replacement therapies, but found that you are still craving, irritable, and miserable? Ever pulled your patch off so you can have a real one, "when you really needed it"? Ever had a girlfriend or wife lay down the law, "it's me or the dip"? And, of course you chose her. But not really, so you had to take your dipping underground for a while? Ever thrown a tin out of a window, only to find yourself looking through the bushes later? Digging through dumpsters? I could go on and on. Yeah, you're in the right place. 

    No matter what strategy you have employed in the past, we both know it hasn’t worked. This place will. The excuses you have used in the past won’t work here. The temporary withdrawal symptoms of quitting dipping are not going to kill you.  We know, because we all survived them. No, you're not more addicted than we were. No, we don't care what brand you used to chew. Yes, you can actually function at work and home without your “crutch” to make you “more relaxed”. Your life will improve dramatically once you quit dipping. You might remember stopping for a few weeks, and you have an idea that it was hell 'because you had quit'. It was hell because you didn’t know how to quit until now.  We’ll change your mindset, and we will lay out the timeline of quitting nicotine. The only thing that you need to do to succeed in a 100% effective method of quitting dipping is to show up here every day, listen to the advice of the members, and follow the only two rules we have here....

    Post your promise not to dip every morning, and keep your word. 

    • Like 2
  16. We all were totally irrational about nicotine before we quit dipping - whether it's crawling around outside in the dark looking for the tin you "threw" away in the yard or digging through all your shorts cause you are "sure" you left a spare can in one pair. 

    After quitting dip, it does get tons better and you WILL be able to do all the things that are now major triggers for dipping.  We all had a million triggers; golfing, watching sports, grilling, yard work, long drives, taking a shit.  Hell I couldn't walk from here to there without my mind saying - "ok, time for some more nicotine".  The only way it's possible to quit dipping is if you post your promise first thing everyday that you won't use nicotine today.  I'll do the same and you can count on that.

    You're not special.  We were all exactly where you are right now.  You will never miss dip, stop romanticizing it and start hating it.  It controlled your fucking life, man.  It controlled your every waking thought.  Do I have enough for tonight?  When can I buy another can?  Did I leave my can in my house/car/drawer?  When can I get away from all of these people so that I can put that stupid shit in my lip???? 

    Once you've achieved the freedom we all have, you'll realize that everything is so much better when you quit dipping.  Everything.  I didn't think I could ever take a long drive again either, now I hate the pussy that even thought that.  Stop sounding like you're mourning the loss of your dog.  Stop anthropomorphizing it at all.  It's a weed.  You are claiming victory over a shitty addiction that made you a gigantic loser.  Get pissed.  Get righteous.  GET QUIT.

    It only takes a few days.  Enjoy the suck of your brain re-wiring as it frees itself from the chains of the addiction you subjected it to for years. Welcome to the new you.

    It's time to Quit Dipping. 

    You wouldn't be reading this if you didn't know that. People don't casually browse the internet for cures to an addiction that you don't have. You know you are addicted, whether you admit or not. You're not sure? Have you ever tried to quit before, and failed? How many times? Have you ever tried nicotine replacement therapies, but found that you are still craving, irritable, and miserable? Ever pulled your patch off so you can have a real one, "when you really needed it"? Ever had a girlfriend or wife lay down the law, "it's me or the dip"? And, of course you chose her. But not really, so you had to take your dipping underground for a while? Ever thrown a tin out of a window, only to find yourself looking through the bushes later? Digging through dumpsters? I could go on and on. Yeah, you're in the right place. 

    No matter what strategy you have employed in the past, we both know it hasn’t worked. This place will. The excuses you have used in the past won’t work here. The temporary withdrawal symptoms of quitting dipping are not going to kill you.  We know, because we all survived them. No, you're not more addicted than we were. No, we don't care what brand you used to chew. Yes, you can actually function at work and home without your “crutch” to make you “more relaxed”. Your life will improve dramatically once you quit dipping. You might remember stopping for a few weeks, and you have an idea that it was hell 'because you had quit'. It was hell because you didn’t know how to quit until now.  We’ll change your mindset, and we will lay out the timeline of quitting nicotine. The only thing that you need to do to succeed in a 100% effective method of quitting dipping is to show up here every day, listen to the advice of the members, and follow the only two rules we have here....

    Post your promise not to dip every morning, and keep your word. 

    • Like 1
  17. This forum is fairly simple. Commit yourself to quit. Post your daily scroll promise to quit dipping and honor it. The folks here provide encouragement and accountability. Take advantage of the resources here to quit dipping.  Close the door on nicotine and step out into the light. Feels good out here.

    With the tools we have here, you'll quickly understand the difference between quitting dip and stopping dip. This biggest thing for you to focus on right now is posting scroll and staying clean.  You can keep your word for a single day, right??  In time, we'll teach you how to not repeat the failures of the past. You will learn to say “Fuck Nicotine” and mean it. Feel free to post in any thread that interests you or send a PM to any of us if you're too shy to throw something up. We've all been where you are and will do anything to help. Here's to being fed up with an addiction that has done nothing but take. Let's kick ass today! 

    It's time to Quit Dipping. 

    You wouldn't be reading this if you didn't know that. People don't casually browse the internet for cures to an addiction that you don't have. You know you are addicted, whether you admit or not. You're not sure? Have you ever tried to quit before, and failed? How many times? Have you ever tried nicotine replacement therapies, but found that you are still craving, irritable, and miserable? Ever pulled your patch off so you can have a real one, "when you really needed it"? Ever had a girlfriend or wife lay down the law, "it's me or the dip"? And, of course you chose her. But not really, so you had to take your dipping underground for a while? Ever thrown a tin out of a window, only to find yourself looking through the bushes later? Digging through dumpsters? I could go on and on. Yeah, you're in the right place. 

    No matter what strategy you have employed in the past, we both know it hasn’t worked. This place will. The excuses you have used in the past won’t work here. The temporary withdrawal symptoms of quitting dipping are not going to kill you.  We know, because we all survived them. No, you're not more addicted than we were. No, we don't care what brand you used to chew. Yes, you can actually function at work and home without your “crutch” to make you “more relaxed”. Your life will improve dramatically once you quit dipping. You might remember stopping for a few weeks, and you have an idea that it was hell 'because you had quit'. It was hell because you didn’t know how to quit until now.  We’ll change your mindset, and we will lay out the timeline of quitting nicotine. The only thing that you need to do to succeed in a 100% effective method of quitting dipping is to show up here every day, listen to the advice of the members, and follow the only two rules we have here....

    Post your promise not to dip every morning, and keep your word. 

  18. Do you think you are going to "miss" dip, if you quit dipping? Do you feel like dip is your friend, a constant companion? A trusted buddy who is always there for you when you need it? That lucky charm which is always with you in the good times? 
    That kind of thinking is poison when it’s time quit dipping. We call it dip “romancing”. In order to be successful, you have to change your whole mindset. It’s not that hard, because dip romancing is all a lie. Dip isn’t your friend. It’s a parasite. It wasn’t your companion, it was an anchor you were dragging along. It wasn’t there to help any needs... except getting rid of the withdrawal symptoms it’s absence was causing in the first place.. It didn’t make the good times, the good times were in spite of it. 
    How can you control romancing the can after you have quit dipping? Slap yourself across the face every time you think like that, if you need to. No bullshit. That will get real tired, real fast.One of our members talks about dropping down and doing 10 pushups every time he thought about having a dip after he quit dipping. It's called negative reinforcement. It discourages weak thoughts. Other methods... a strong rubber band around your wrist. When you think about chew, you snap that rubber band so hard it hurts. I used to stop whatever I was doing and audibly say "Shut the fuck up". Some guys who have quit chewing tobacco recommended putting your balls in a drawer and slamming it shut. I never tried that one. 
    But how can you spend time here, on a website that is all about how to quit dipping, without thinking about dipping? I am on this site all the time, and I never think about dipping. I think about quitting. They are different things. Guys who think about dipping act like they are missing out when they quit chewing tobacco, and they are going to fail. Guys who think about quitting think about the feelings that drove them to quit in the first place. Whether or not they know it, the biggest thing that drove people to find this place was a desire from freedom. Get the monkey off your back, and quit dipping. 

    It's time to Quit Dipping. 

    You wouldn't be reading this if you didn't know that. People don't casually browse the internet for cures to an addiction that you don't have. You know you are addicted, whether you admit or not. You're not sure? Have you ever tried to quit before, and failed? How many times? Have you ever tried nicotine replacement therapies, but found that you are still craving, irritable, and miserable? Ever pulled your patch off so you can have a real one, "when you really needed it"? Ever had a girlfriend or wife lay down the law, "it's me or the dip"? And, of course you chose her. But not really, so you had to take your dipping underground for a while? Ever thrown a tin out of a window, only to find yourself looking through the bushes later? Digging through dumpsters? I could go on and on. Yeah, you're in the right place. 

    No matter what strategy you have employed in the past, we both know it hasn’t worked. This place will. The excuses you have used in the past won’t work here. The temporary withdrawal symptoms of quitting dipping are not going to kill you.  We know, because we all survived them. No, you're not more addicted than we were. No, we don't care what brand you used to chew. Yes, you can actually function at work and home without your “crutch” to make you “more relaxed”. Your life will improve dramatically once you quit dipping. You might remember stopping for a few weeks, and you have an idea that it was hell 'because you had quit'. It was hell because you didn’t know how to quit until now.  We’ll change your mindset, and we will lay out the timeline of quitting nicotine. The only thing that you need to do to succeed in a 100% effective method of quitting dipping is to show up here every day, listen to the advice of the members, and follow the only two rules we have here....

    Post your promise not to dip every morning, and keep your word. 

    • Like 1
  19. Before quitting dip, I dipped for 22 years and by the end was completely controlled by nicotine, desperately looking for a way to quit dipping.  I found this place and found that making a promise 1st thing every day... that I wasn't going to dip... was- and is- the only way I would be able to quit chewing tobacco.  Take the option off the table every day with your word. Keep your word, and repeat.
    You have realized that treating an addiction to dip like a bad habit, doesn't work. To quit dipping you have to treat the addiction like an addiction. You know you have to quit, but you don't know yet that you can live every day without it. That is what it means to truly quit dipping. In time we'll teach you everything you need to know to be able to 100% say that you will never again use nicotine in any form...ever. Today, let's focus on posting a day 1 on scroll, and then through the couple of hours.

    It's time to Quit Dipping. 

    You wouldn't be reading this if you didn't know that. People don't casually browse the internet for cures to an addiction that you don't have. You know you are addicted, whether you admit or not. You're not sure? Have you ever tried to quit before, and failed? How many times? Have you ever tried nicotine replacement therapies, but found that you are still craving, irritable, and miserable? Ever pulled your patch off so you can have a real one, "when you really needed it"? Ever had a girlfriend or wife lay down the law, "it's me or the dip"? And, of course you chose her. But not really, so you had to take your dipping underground for a while? Ever thrown a tin out of a window, only to find yourself looking through the bushes later? Digging through dumpsters? I could go on and on. Yeah, you're in the right place. 

    No matter what strategy you have employed in the past, we both know it hasn’t worked. This place will. The excuses you have used in the past won’t work here. The temporary withdrawal symptoms of quitting dipping are not going to kill you.  We know, because we all survived them. No, you're not more addicted than we were. No, we don't care what brand you used to chew. Yes, you can actually function at work and home without your “crutch” to make you “more relaxed”. Your life will improve dramatically once you quit dipping. You might remember stopping for a few weeks, and you have an idea that it was hell 'because you had quit'. It was hell because you didn’t know how to quit until now.  We’ll change your mindset, and we will lay out the timeline of quitting nicotine. The only thing that you need to do to succeed in a 100% effective method of quitting dipping is to show up here every day, listen to the advice of the members, and follow the only two rules we have here....

    Post your promise not to dip every morning, and keep your word. 

    • Like 1
  20. Before quitting dip, I dipped for 22 years and by the end was completely controlled by nicotine, desperately looking for a way to quit dipping.  I found this place and found that making a promise 1st thing every day... that I wasn't going to dip... was- and is- the only way I would be able to quit chewing tobacco.  Take the option off the table every day with your word. Keep your word, and repeat.


    You have realized that treating an addiction to dip like a bad habit, doesn't work. To quit dipping you have to treat the addiction like an addiction. You know you have to quit, but you don't know yet that you can live every day without it. That is what it means to truly quit dipping. In time we'll teach you everything you need to know to be able to 100% say that you will never again use nicotine in any form...ever. Today, let's focus on posting a day 1 on scroll, and then through the couple of hours.

    It's time to Quit Dipping. 

    You wouldn't be reading this if you didn't know that. People don't casually browse the internet for cures to an addiction that you don't have. You know you are addicted, whether you admit or not. You're not sure? Have you ever tried to quit before, and failed? How many times? Have you ever tried nicotine replacement therapies, but found that you are still craving, irritable, and miserable? Ever pulled your patch off so you can have a real one, "when you really needed it"? Ever had a girlfriend or wife lay down the law, "it's me or the dip"? And, of course you chose her. But not really, so you had to take your dipping underground for a while? Ever thrown a tin out of a window, only to find yourself looking through the bushes later? Digging through dumpsters? I could go on and on. Yeah, you're in the right place. 

    No matter what strategy you have employed in the past, we both know it hasn’t worked. This place will. The excuses you have used in the past won’t work here. The temporary withdrawal symptoms of quitting dipping are not going to kill you.  We know, because we all survived them. No, you're not more addicted than we were. No, we don't care what brand you used to chew. Yes, you can actually function at work and home without your “crutch” to make you “more relaxed”. Your life will improve dramatically once you quit dipping. You might remember stopping for a few weeks, and you have an idea that it was hell 'because you had quit'. It was hell because you didn’t know how to quit until now.  We’ll change your mindset, and we will lay out the timeline of quitting nicotine. The only thing that you need to do to succeed in a 100% effective method of quitting dipping is to show up here every day, listen to the advice of the members, and follow the only two rules we have here....

    Post your promise not to dip every morning, and keep your word. 

  21. Welcome to Quitting Dip. It's pretty simple, we quit dipping, counting one day at a time. We make a promise to quit chewing tobacco to ourselves and our fellow quitters first thing each day, and we keep our word. Above all, we are honest here and men of our word.  Trust is paramount.

    We call this first few days of quitting dip, and the withdrawl symptoms of cold turkey “the suck”, because, well, it sucks.  Things are probably going to suck for a little while, but you don't need to worry about that.  You just need to worry about today.   

    That said, in deciding to quit dipping, you've made the best decision of your life.  Prepare by planning on drinking plenty of water to flush out the nicotine, and consider exercising to power through the worst parts.  Find something to do with your mouth…  many have found success with gum, sunflower seeds, hard candy and even fake chew (contains no nicotine).  We are 100% nicotine free and don't practice nicotine replacement therapy. It doesn't work. Quitting Dip does.  You should find yourself on this forum a lot.  Reach out to your bros here and read all the information you can.  Rage here and express your frustration and don't take it out on your family.  We all know what you are going through....we've all been there and we all made it through.  You can too.  It will get better.  

    It's time to Quit Dipping. 

    You wouldn't be reading this if you didn't know that. People don't casually browse the internet for cures to an addiction that you don't have. You know you are addicted, whether you admit or not. You're not sure? Have you ever tried to quit before, and failed? How many times? Have you ever tried nicotine replacement therapies, but found that you are still craving, irritable, and miserable? Ever pulled your patch off so you can have a real one, "when you really needed it"? Ever had a girlfriend or wife lay down the law, "it's me or the dip"? And, of course you chose her. But not really, so you had to take your dipping underground for a while? Ever thrown a tin out of a window, only to find yourself looking through the bushes later? Digging through dumpsters? I could go on and on. Yeah, you're in the right place. 

    No matter what strategy you have employed in the past, we both know it hasn’t worked. This place will. The excuses you have used in the past won’t work here. The temporary withdrawal symptoms of quitting dipping are not going to kill you.  We know, because we all survived them. No, you're not more addicted than we were. No, we don't care what brand you used to chew. Yes, you can actually function at work and home without your “crutch” to make you “more relaxed”. Your life will improve dramatically once you quit dipping. You might remember stopping for a few weeks, and you have an idea that it was hell 'because you had quit'. It was hell because you didn’t know how to quit until now.  We’ll change your mindset, and we will lay out the timeline of quitting nicotine. The only thing that you need to do to succeed in a 100% effective method of quitting dipping is to show up here every day, listen to the advice of the members, and follow the only two rules we have here....

    Post your promise not to dip every morning, and keep your word. 

  22. Welcome to the Quitting Dip.  We've all been through the chewing tobacco withdrawal symptoms and can say with absolute certainty that those negative side effects of quitting dip will pass soon.  When your brain gets used to operating without nicotine, the clarity will feel amazing, and sleeping and shitting will return to you once again. I'm sitting here and don't have one inkling of a wish to ever return to using that ground up poison and will continue to come here and post my promise to these powerful allies that I will continue to preserve my freedom from nicotine until the day I take my last breath.  


    You'll find that the money you save and decreased risk of cancer will be ancillary benefits that barely even register in the grand scheme of quitting dipping. They just don't matter that much compared to the real prize - freedom from your addiction.  I know that dip has been really fucking expensive, but that never really mattered to us, did it? We always found some other area of our life to short, in order to get that can every day, no matter what. And cancer warnings were always printed on the can. Hasn’t ever stopped one of us.  Maybe you actually think that cancer is your motivation now. Or money. Okay. Whatever gets you started on the path, great. But success only comes to those of us who appreciate what quitting means for our lives. It changed everything for me.



    Life can be a bitch, especially if you are looking for excuses to feel like shit, and feel like you're missing out on stuff... because life is so easy for everyone else, because they aren't dealing with special problems like you. You’re not special.  Nicotine didn't help deal with life. Nicotine took away the withdrawal from itself that sets your mind ablaze and causes panic. It wasn't magical, it was chemical. Fuck that shit.


    It's time to Quit Dipping. 

    You wouldn't be reading this if you didn't know that. People don't casually browse the internet for cures to an addiction that you don't have. You know you are addicted, whether you admit or not. You're not sure? Have you ever tried to quit before, and failed? How many times? Have you ever tried nicotine replacement therapies, but found that you are still craving, irritable, and miserable? Ever pulled your patch off so you can have a real one, "when you really needed it"? Ever had a girlfriend or wife lay down the law, "it's me or the dip"? And, of course you chose her. But not really, so you had to take your dipping underground for a while? Ever thrown a tin out of a window, only to find yourself looking through the bushes later? Digging through dumpsters? I could go on and on. Yeah, you're in the right place. 

    No matter what strategy you have employed in the past, we both know it hasn’t worked. This place will. The excuses you have used in the past won’t work here. The temporary withdrawal symptoms of quitting dipping are not going to kill you.  We know, because we all survived them. No, you're not more addicted than we were. No, we don't care what brand you used to chew. Yes, you can actually function at work and home without your “crutch” to make you “more relaxed”. Your life will improve dramatically once you quit dipping. You might remember stopping for a few weeks, and you have an idea that it was hell 'because you had quit'. It was hell because you didn’t know how to quit until now.  We’ll change your mindset, and we will lay out the timeline of quitting nicotine. The only thing that you need to do to succeed in a 100% effective method of quitting dipping is to show up here every day, listen to the advice of the members, and follow the only two rules we have here....

    Post your promise not to dip every morning, and keep your word. 

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  23. Are you here to find people that will support you during this "attempt”... a group that will pick you back up when you “couldn’t get through the day" without a little dip? Think we’re going to pet your head and tell you everything is going to be okay when you fail? Forget it. We don’t accept failure here, and there are no excuses to use nicotine once you find your nuts. Are we going to support you when  you need help to deal with all of the "cravings" that ruined your last “attempt" to quit dipping? Yes. And you can do this. But there is no sugar coating this. The next few days will suck... you will feel light-headed, fuzzy, irritable, and tired. You’ve fucked yourself by using nicotine for years and years, and there is only one way out... Quitting Dipping Cold Turkey. Time will inch by, but it will only last a few days, and you have a lot of reading to do around here, so use that stopped clock well. 
    The first few days are rough... we've all been there and know there's no way through it but straight on, head down, brute force. But you can be smart, make a plan and then execute it. Carve out time to exercise, or at least get fresh air and be active. Drink lots of water- it helps flush out the poison. Sunflower Seeds were fantastic for me. Get some fake dip, like Jerky Chew or Smokey Mountain. Give them a try if for no other reason than to put another weapon in your arsenal. The oral fixation withdrawal is something you don’t need compounding the chemical withdrawal of the first 4-5 days.  Remember WHY you are quitting dipping. To never be dependent on this stupid weed again, to not need something to level you out, to never be in nicotine withdrawal again, to be free. Stay busy and you'll suddenly have another day of quitting behind you, a day that you can use that as more proof to yourself that this is not just possible, but something you have actually accomplished. Next day- post your promise that you will stay quit, and do it again. 

  24. There are two parts to this website.  First is the serious, no nonsense portion - your pledge to quit chewing tobacco. This part of Quitting Dip is relentless, intense, and often unforgiving… but a daily promise is a method proven to work effectively to quit dipping.  The second part of this site is a juvenile frat house to which you become entitled to participate as a member of the community should you so choose .  Quitting chewing tobacco is the only portion that is necessary - you MUST log in everyday and make your promise to the rest of us that you will quit dipping that day.  Break that promise, or refuse to be held accountable, and you won't be here long.  The second part is gratuitous; feel free to ignore it.  But I can assure you that if you are engaged regularly with the baddest of the bad ass quitters on here, your nicotine quit will be stronger.
    One of the biggest reasons we’re still here is that someone, at some point, helped us, broke through the fog of addiction, and taught us how to quit chewing tobacco. We are hoping to help you quit dipping the same way that someone did for us.  The eventual taste of freedom when you quit dipping, and the value of the assist from those who knew how to quit better than us foggy bastards, is pretty much immeasurable.  The gratefulness of “being free” leads dudes who have decency to try to pay it forward, and backward. Recovered addicts with self-awareness, and a firm grasp on the struggle to quit dipping ... that's who most of us are.
    You'll find that the experiences you thought were unique to you regarding dipping are universal among those of us here.  We've all been there.  I TRIED to quit dipping by myself more times than I care to admit... before finally breaking free from nicotine.  It's simple here: we make a promise 1st thing every morning to ourselves and our fellow quitters that we aren't going to dip that day.  Sack up - as you know from prior "stoppages" the first few days are tough. They’re actually unbearable if you don’t understand how quitting dipping should be done.  Get on here and read as much as you can, and drink lots of water and try to exercise.

  25. When I was 44 years old with three children I was  a total slave to nicotine, with a can a day "habit".  I was sitting with my wife in a church at a friend's funeral. She was 40 years old with two kids, and a “light smoker” that just passed away from lung cancer.   As I watched her husband and two sons stand in front of everyone and talk… I don't remember what they were talking about… I was a mess in the back of that church thinking about what a spoiled, selfish piece of shit I was for continuing to poison myself. I looked at my wife and said, "I'm done. I am quitting dip."  "I can't do that to you and the kids."   I bought some fake chew and stopped… for about a week.  I even found a website that talked about "accountability" and "quitting dipping one day at a time".  I looked around.  Read some stories and thought, "How can a website and people that I don't even know help me quit dipping?" One of the things I’ve learned since then is that you can’t quit dipping for someone else.  I used for another year at the same can a day clip. Every time I bought a can, I said,  "This is my last can." I felt more shame, anger and fear with every can I purchased.  I knew I had to quit dipping, but honestly did not believe I could.  I was sure I'd be dead in 10 years if I continued.   I took my last dip after dinner one night. I threw away the can and told my wife I was done.  She said, "Whatever.  Do it if you want."  I've told her I quit dipping so many times that there was no way she believed I would actually quit.  
    Days later I was walking around my house completely confused and feeling like shit.  I couldn't focus or remember what I went into a room for.  I thought I was going crazy.  I searched for help online and found a similar site to the one I scoffed at.  Not this time.  I had nothing to lose so I dove in.  Read everything I could, stared an intro, and started meeting quitters The support I received and continue to receive was overwhelming and still blows me away.  
     Life is great as a quitter.  I don't think about dip very often and never romanticize about it. I have fucked a lot of things up in my life.  This will not be one of them. When we post on the scroll, we are giving our word not to use for the rest of the day. Sound a little hokey? Yeah, I didn't get it when I started either. It gives you something more to rely on than just willpower. It lets you share some of my willpower, and every other dude on this site. Because we don't dip anymore, and we don't want to. It is the last thing I want, because it will throw away hundreds of days of victory and freedom, just like if you quit dipping today and then use tomorrow you will throw away one of the three toughest days of the whole fucking process. What makes us different, besides posting every morning, is that we have overcome the mistaken belief that dip was helping you enjoy all those good times you’ve had in your life, or that it was  helping you get through some of the ordeals at other times. It wasn’t. Just keep this in your mind, NAFAR (NEVER again for ANY reason)

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