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Quitting Dip


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Posts posted by Tvols-09

  1. 2 hours ago, Zeus said:

    I have about 15 people I exchange a daily text messages with. Just another way to stay connected in the morning and then some throughout the day. A few of them I now consider friends, so I might have a friendly conversation or two.

    Also, I try to make a point of checking out QD  throughout the day to read new posts, celebrate milestones, ping stragglers, attend to any questions directed towards me, and so on.

    The point is, I keep the brotherhood close by when I can and I let them know when I can't.

    Read, write, and think quit regularly and the rest will fall into line. You will have much more time at your service and if you use that time befitting yourself, it will reinforce your quit

    Yeah I think this is what I was really getting at with my question. I can definitely see how using the time gained for self-improvement rather than just wasting it or sleeping longer etc woulc be so much more beneficial. Its going to take repetition and effort but at the end of the day I decided to stop being a pussy when I quit. It hit me while I was thinking about it that I was actively killing myself with that poison for over 10 years. I am starting to get my time back but that next step is attacking the piece of shit that stuff made me and getting my mind and body back. 

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  2. 7 minutes ago, Itchmay said:

    3. Don’t dip.

    4. Go about your day.


    It’s as simple as that for me now. I don’t think any more into it than that. I used to brush my teeth and immediately throw a dip in. Counterproductive right? Might as well not had brushed my teeth at all. Little things like that make me realize how stupid chewing was.

    I did the same thing. I even realized it at the time and still did it. So fucking stupid. 

  3. Not sure if this is the correct place to post this still learning the site. Would like to get your thoughts on something. I just wrapped up a book "the morning mind" which goes into the biology and chemistry of the brain and how to effectively get your day started etc... One of the big takeaways was the need to form a consistent morning routine (not necessarily groundbreaking info) but it got me thinking. 

    Dip was always a part of my morning routine. In fact, probably the main part of my morning routine. When am I taking that first dip? Do I have enough for the day? When will I need to go get some? It's not like it took up a lot of my time but it was the first thing I thought about and I formed my morning around what I needed to do to feed my addiction. I don't do this anymore and am in the process of trying to form a consistent morning routine that works for me. Assuming there is probably a few of you out there like me that had those same urges or issues in the morning, what is your morning routine now? What time do you wake up and what do you do to prep for the day? I ask this knowing that first and foremost:

    1. wake up

    2. post scroll...


    Then what? 

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