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Quitting Dip


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Posts posted by NotSloth

  1. The reason that you’ve never been able to quit dipping in the past is that you did it your way. Guess what? Your way sucks and doesn't work, obviously. So you need to quit dipping the QD way, which includes interacting with people who have been where you are right now. My quit is basically self-perpetuating at this point.  Because I invested heavily in the brotherhood and accountability method at the onset of my quit and now it's deeply ingrained.  That's how to quit dipping. 

    Nothing makes me think about dip, nothing worries me, I don't give a fuck about chewing tobacco, cigarettes, or cigars. It’s the same way I won't spend one second of the day thinking about heroin. Because I don't do that shit either. My mind is exactly as strong as that of a person who never smoked or chewed, in that if someone offered a chew to them, they would be like "why would I want to do that?" Except stronger, because I will fucking kill you with my bare hands sooner than I would take that dip out of your hand, fuckstick. That shit feels good. 

    But while my mind is never on dip, my quit is on my mind a lot. Your quit has to have value to you.My quit is a prized possession. If it doesn't matter to you, then you aren't going to protect it. You should know that’s how we all feel about our quits. They are important enough to create this brotherhood to collectively protect our quits. It requires maintenance. You will have quit highs and lows. This place offers a way to keep your quit strong. The days with few challenges are when the bullshit keeps us engaged. The Speeches and such can lift us when we are down. The victory threads offer a place to share our wins. That is about quit maintenance.

    Despite the addiction being firmly in a bulls-eye and in my rearview mirror, I will be here, because I dig it. And I'll be on the scroll as soon as I wake up, just like every fucking morning since the day I quit, because I need to be.

  2. Maybe you’ve already done enough reading around the site to know that your story is not unique, and that your addiction doesn't seem out of place with what we all used to do, before we got help to quit dipping. Or maybe this is your first visit to Quitting Dip. 
    There was hardly any moment of any day where I wasn't getting my fix. Every waking moment. No buzz, no reason to be doing it... other than scratching that never ending itch. Does that sound like something I was getting enjoyment out of? Or does it sound like someone totally fucking addicted who is letting a drug run every facet of life? Fuck that shit. Isn't it exhausting to worry about dipping all day? To worry about the consequences?
    One of the biggest reasons I quit dipping was asking myself the question, “why are you doing this?” It’s a question I was unable to answer, while on the other hand,  I found it much easier to answer the question “why should you quit dipping?”. The reasons to quit dipping pile up pretty quickly…
    Do you want to be in control of your own brain, rather than letting a weed control it?
    Do you want to be free to do any activity without wondering if you will have enough dip to last through the day, or if you will even be able to chew there?
    Do you enjoy your good health, or do you want to die from cancer?
    Do you like falling asleep easily and waking up rested?
    Do you like having extra pocket money?
    Do you like not having to hide spit cans and brown teeth from your loved ones?
    I could go on, but you get the point. Likely, you’ve reasoned all of these out in your mind before. You know that logically you shouldn’t continue chewing tobacco… but for some reason, you continue. Why? Why do you keeping doing this if you know there is literally no good reason to continue, and so many reasons to quit dipping? The answer is simple: you aren’t taking control of the decision. You’ve allowed the reasonable part of your brain to take a back seat, while the dumbass part of you drives the car. It’s time to take back the wheel. One of the most liberating moments I had was the moment when I decided to quit. I took a full can of dip, I dumped it in the toilet, and watched it all go down the drain. I would highly recommend this. You will be surprised at how hard it is to dump that can, but once you do a feeling of power and control will wash over you. After that, take it one day at a time for a while. Don’t think about being quit next month, or next year, think about being quit when you wake up tomorrow, and what an accomplishment that will be. Then think about making it to next week. Once you’re at next week, think about making it to the next month. Before you know it, you won’t even be thinking about dip.
    Use this website as a tool to aid your quit. Post scroll in the Plebe Quit Scroll every morning. Get involved. Writing posts about how strong your quit is will strengthen your quit and resolve to keep your daily promise. You can do it, you can get rid of the addiction. Dump that can in the toilet, post scroll, and start the next chapter of your clean and free life.

  3. Once I realized that this method of quitting dip was gonna work, where no others had, the next thing I did was start telling the people in my life that I had quit dipping, in order to kill that sneaky addict  who had become my identity for over 30 years. Your willingness to shine a light on your addiction outside of this forum is a strong indication that you are actually quit. I told people that previously had no idea I even dipped, and I worked with them every day for years. Sneaky bastard with a dip on one side and some extra strength gum on the other. I let nicotine own me. 

    You need to take the time to get to know people here, and let them get a chance to know you. That is half of the entire left side of the equation A + B = Q. (Accountability + Brotherhood = Quit). Without the brotherhood, there is no accountability. Without either, you are on your own. In the past, we have constantly let ourselves down when it comes to our addiction to nicotine. And everyone here would again, eventually, without the accountability. It shouldn't be long before you realize that you don't need multiple layers of safeguards. It's simple- integrity. Look it up if you aren't clear on what that is. Grab a hold of yours and this shit is a no-brainer. This place isn't about resets, so do not put that shit in your mouth for any reason. You are quit. Not trying to quit. Quit. 

    From day one we preach you quit for yourself.  No one causes us to cave.  We each make and own the decision to keep or break our promise each day.  Flush that worn out excuse book. Its time to own it. Relationship, job, health or whatever life stress hits us is just life, and has nothing to do with being quit.  You don't get back at a shitty job, a nagging spouse, or a disease by shoving shit in your mouth.  You win against those things by being the best you can be in spite of those things.  You win by being a man of your word who can respect the man looking back at him in the mirror.  What do you see in that mirror?  What are you going to do about it?

    • Like 1
  4. Stop thinking about it, and quit dipping.

    This forum is fairly simple, post your daily promise to quit dip, make it 24 hours, then do it again. Soon the days will turn into weeks, weeks into months. Just remember to start your day with that little quit pill- your daily promise… that’s all the help you need to quit chewing tobacco.

    Commit yourself to quitting dipping. The folks here provide encouragement and accountability if you interact with them… we’re all from different walks of life, yet we’re all the same.  People who have gotten help to quit chewing. Take advantage of the resources here.  Close the door on nicotine and step out into the light. Feels good out here. Before you know it, that dude who used to shove cat-turds in his lower lip is in your rear-view mirror … and getting smaller all the time.  

    With the tools we have here, you'll quickly understand the difference between quitting dipping and temporarily stopping. This biggest thing for you to focus on right now is posting scroll and staying clean.  You can keep your word for a single day, right??  In time, we'll teach you how to not repeat the failures of the past. You will learn to say “Fuck Nicotine” and mean it. We've all been where you are and will do anything we can to help. Here's to being fed up with an addiction that has done nothing but take. Dipping your toe in to test the waters isn’t the approach of a committed quitter. Frickin’ cannonball into this. YOU CAN DO IT, you just need to take that first step.


    And the only method for quitting dipping that any of us have ever found to work is quitting cold turkey, with the help of other quitters. That’s the method that we use here. If you found Quitting Dip, you’ve been struggling with nicotine for a long time. You have probably tried to quit dipping and failed. Perhaps you’ve even admitted to yourself that you are addicted to chewing tobacco. 

    No matter what strategy you have employed in the past, we both know it hasn’t worked. Otherwise, you would be quit, like the rest of us. The excuses you have used in the past won’t work here. The temporary withdrawal symptoms of quitting dipping are not going to kill you. You can actually function at work and home without your “crutch” to make you “more relaxed”. Your life will improve dramatically once you quit dipping. You might remember stopping for a few weeks, and you have an idea that it was hell 'because you had quit'. Nope, it was hell because you didn’t know how to quit, until now. 

     We’ll change your mindset, and we will lay out the timeline of quitting nicotine. The only thing that you need to do to participate in a 100% effective method of quitting dipping is to show up here every day, follow the advice of the members, and follow the only two rules we have here....Post your promise not to dip every morning, and keep your word. If you are ready to quit dipping, post up on the Plebe Scroll

     Otherwise, visit the support center, or read some speeches.

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  5. Okay... remember when we were just starting and trying out the methods we use here at Quitting Dip? Remember how desperate you were? How many times you had tried to quit? Back when you didn't really think it would be possible to quit dipping? Back when you thought this method was nonsense? Like "how could posting a number on a website actually work, where everything other known method of quitting chewing tobacco has failed me for years or decades?". The method we preach here seems like an illusion, a con. There's no way it could work. But you'll try anything at this point. Then IT FUCKING WORKS, and after a week or two quitting seems so easy. And then as the quitting dip timeline moves forward, you get a couple months under your belt, and life seems normal, not normal like before when you were a slave and everything revolved around your addiction, whether you knew it or not. Now it's a better normal; you're feeling settled, shit is still happening around you but the path seems smooth. All of a sudden, some dudes think maybe they don't need the thing that got them quit, because quitting dip is soooo easy, right? Like, you would have gotten quit on your own, this website is just like a little shortcut, and quitting was inevitable... How can anyone be this stupid? Seriously, how fucking stupid is this? Whatever. I'll be here. It is not a burden to be here and be quit every day. The burden is being a slave. The routine here pays back the brotherhood for my quit, and every time a new guy hears the gong go off, you should remember that feeling for yourself. New guys reading this and wondering whether this real works.... this really works.


    Haven't quit dipping yet? The only way to quit dipping is to quit cold turkey, and the only way to quit cold turkey, as far as the membership here is concerned, is to find a bunch of dudes who already quit this shit, and follow their lead. But what do we know... we're all just quit, and you're not. 

    You are likely to be here after hundreds of aborted mini-attempts to "kick the habit". Here's the key. You can't use nicotine replacement products to quit nicotine. No vaping. No nicotine lozenges. No nicotine gum.  Why not? Because you can't quit nicotine by using a different form of nicotine.

    How easy is it to quit dipping? Quitting dip is a lot easier than you think. If you follow the well worn path by the members here who are quit. Once the withdrawal symptoms of are over, (and yes, they suck but they are manageable), it becomes a mind game, and we know all the ways to win. If you are ready to quit, the best way is to join this site, and start posting. 

    If you think that quitting dip is impossible, then you're in the right place. If you wonder whether you really need to quit chewing, you're not ready. Guests can read some "speeches" of dudes who have been in your shoes. If you're just about ready to pull the trigger but you're scared, stop being a pussy. There is a section in the support center full of posts encouraging guys like you to get in the game. 

    Once you sign up you can start an introduction where you can tell the other members about yourself, or just get right to it and put your screen name and "Day 1" on the "Quit Scroll" with today's date. 

    The bottom line is that if you throw up a post somewhere, guys here will try to help you. But you have to help yourself first. 

    • Q for Quit 1
  6. When the Corona lockdown started, I bet a lot of you guys who haven’t quit dipping yet, [or who are new to the Quitting Dip community], were worried about running out of dip. I bet you hoarded dip.I bet you that you ordered more than you ever had before, perhaps bought a brand you didn’t “like” as much, because “What if I run out of the good stuff”?  I bet you felt sorry for the guys who couldn’t find any dip, but told yourself you would quit as soon as you ran out…. Only to ensure you never ran out, because you would make special trips out just to go to the convenience store to load up. Sure, you told your wife you were looking for paper towels, but you knew they wouldn’t be there. 

    How do I know all that shit? Because I used to be a loser, just like you. My addiction to dip  had a central location in the middle of my brain, pushing buttons and pulling levers, and I was not only being controlled, I was so fucked in the head I didn’t even know I was being controlled. A couple times during this pandemic, around here there would be a mention of something to the effect of, “thank god I’m not worried about stocking up on dip right now”, or “can you imagine if you had to hide being a ninja dipper from your wife all day, every day, during this shit?” Well, I CAN imagine it. It would fucking suck. Did it suck for you? Is that why you’re here? 

    Well, news flash, every day of being controlled by dip fucking sucks, you just didn’t notice it as much because you had more distractions. Sitting around in your house all day worrying about how long you can last before going back to your stash, what activity you can use to justify dipping, how much you have left, where you are going to get more… it’s exhausting. It’s pathetic. I can imagine all that because I make myself remember. Even years removed from dipping, I force myself to think of pussies like you. Because if I didn’t, I might forget that I was a pussy too. 

    Now the good news….

    When you quit dipping, all of that changes. You will wake up in the morning, and not give one fuck about chewing tobacco. You will never even consider using it. Sounds like bullshit, right? Because you’ve attempted to quit dipping before, right? What did you do, throw out half a can and say “that was my last one!” Then what, did you even have a plan? Were you going to hold your breath and not let it out until you got Quit magically? Because that is what trying to quit is before you know how to do it. Maybe you used some other form of nicotine like nicorette gum, and pretended you weren’t just getting a fix off of it? Those weren’t plans to quit, just ways to stop--- until you gave yourself permission to use again. And you will always give yourself permission... until you understand the truth about quitting dipping. You don’t want chewing tobacco, you don’t love the taste, it doesn’t feel good. You are addicted to it, pure and simple, and everything else is a smoke screen… lies that big tobacco and your own brain create to keep you from realizing the truth. Once you do see the truth, and you see what you’ve done with all the time and energy wasted on dipping, you can develop the hatred that we have for it. The mindset change is what makes quitting dipping easy for our members. We will help you get there.

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    • The Clap 1
  7. Are you one of them sneaky ass ninja dippers... or the guy that had the big ole chaw in, spitting between sentences? Both kinds of guys have quit dipping with our support on this site, so either way, you found the right place... and you found this place for a reason. Read the intros here. You are not unique or special - we’re all different people, but we were all enslaved, just like you. We all worried about how hard the withdrawal would be, and it was for a few days, but we did it. The feeling of “Quit” and self respect are gained by posting your promise daily and pulling your head out of your ass.

    Addiction is about finding excuses to keep doing something you know you shouldn’t be doing,  and there are a ton of excuses when you've buried yourself in nicotine for as long as you have. Reach down  into your back pocket and pull out that old worn excuse book. Toss that fucker in the toilet and flush. Also toss out that tin you were going to keep as a trophy to prove you were strong. Right now, you're not, but you will be. Also find those old cans in the couch, behind the toilet, or under the car seat. Toss those fuckers out too. 

    Successful methods for quitting chewing tobacco are virtually non-existent. Fortunately you found us, and we have a quit method that works. Post your promise to quit dipping today and prove to yourself, and us, that you are committed to being Quit. Follow our advice for beating the withdrawal symptoms of quitting dipping, and do it again tomorrow. It’s that easy.


    And the only method for quitting dipping that any of us have ever found to work is quitting dip cold turkey, with the help of other people. That's the method that we use here. If you found Quitting Dip, you’ve been struggling with nicotine for a long time. You have probably tried to quit. Perhaps you’ve even admitted to yourself that you are addicted to chewing tobacco. 

    No matter what strategy you have employed in the past, we all know it hasn’t worked. Otherwise, you would be quit, like the other members. The excuses you have used in the past won’t work here. The temporary withdrawal symptoms of quitting dipping are not going to kill you. You can actually function at work and home without your “crutch” to make you “more relaxed”. Your life will improve dramatically once you quit dipping. You might remember stopping for a few weeks, and you have an idea that it was hell 'because you had quit'. It was hell because you didn’t know how to quit, until now. 

    We’ll change your mindset, and we will lay out the timeline of quitting nicotine. The only thing that you need to do to start a 100% effective method of quitting dipping is to show up here every day, participate in some anonymous discussions, follow the advice of the members, and abide by the only two rules we have here....Post your promise not to dip every morning, and keep your word. If you are ready to quit dipping, post up on the Plebe Scroll

    Otherwise, visit the support center, or read some speeches

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  8. Have you “quit dipping” before, only to start up again after a few weeks or months, or even years? First of all, you didn’t actually quit dipping, because “Quit” is permanent. You were temporarily stopped. What were you doing the first time you dipped again, to end your stoppage? Were you looking for a buzz? Feeling stressed out and thought that dip cures stress?  Were you trying to hurt someone? Trying to hurt yourself? Got drunk? Have you ever thought about it?  because that moment when you fucked yourself should be important to you. It often gets brushed over by losers who don't understand quit. They treat using nicotine again like a fait accompli, something that is unavoidable due to certain circumstances or situations, but it's not. 

    No, nicotine is not always waiting for you, about to put a knife to your throat and make you take it in your mouth. There is no “Nic Bitch”.  It's a weed, dude.  It's not an evil bitch or a spirit or something that's crafty and out to get you.

    Using it again is not an accident, nor can it "just happen".  Over time, lots of addicts will start to listen to that little voice that one is ok, or romanticize the times they spent dipping, glossing over how desperate they were to quit the entire time. Stopping while constantly listening to that siren song is excruciating, and it’s called ‘white knuckle’ quitting. It makes quitting a lot like trying to hold your breath forever. At QD we don't white knuckle anything.  We don't hope and pray to stay off nicotine, we are quit.  Quit means living each moment while acting like a grown man, not a pussy that is "missing out" on something.   We speak only quit because we are quit. There must be something to this, since we have dozens of 1000+ day quitters that are here first thing everyday and have never missed a day. Even though some of the guys here can be rough around the edges, it all boils down to seeing that nasty shit for what it is and never touching it again, which is what everyone here believes. Hey complacency, I'm right over here; bring it on.  You have no chance because I'm posted up with my friends.  


    You might think that there are lots of ways to quit dipping, but there's not.  You are likely to be here after hundreds of aborted mini-attempts at quitting dipping. You can't quit dipping halfway. You also can't use nicotine replacement products. No vaping. No nicotine lozenges. No nicotine gum.  Why not? Because you can't quit nicotine by using a different form of nicotine. Why do you want to extend the length of time that you experience the withdrawal symptoms of quitting dipping anyway? Get it over with. Rip the band aid off. Put that shit in the rear view mirror.

    When you are in the cycle of being desperate to quit dipping, but terrified of actually quitting, everything can seem overwhelming. Quitting dip is a lot easier than you think. It is all a mind game, and we know all the ways to win. If you are ready to quit, the best way to quit dipping cold turkey is to join this site, and start posting. 

    Once you are a member you can start an introduction where you can tell the other members about yourself, or just get right to it and put your screen name and "Day 1" on the "Quit Scroll" with today's date. Just throw up a post somewhere, someone is going to see it, and help you learn how to quit dipping. You can also post below with questions or comments before you sign up. 

    If you just about ready to pull the trigger but you're scared, stop being a pussy. There is a section in the support center full of posts encouraging guys like you to get in the game. We want to give you help to quit dipping, but you have to help yourself first. 

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  9. Wake, piss, get on Quitting Dip, post to scroll to show us that you have quit dipping.  Once that promise is made, there is no option to use any form of nicotine ... period.  Do it early, every damn day, without fail. Will power is POWER. Bowing to your "nicotine cravings" is weakness.  Choose power over weakness. Embrace the fact you have quit dipping.. Use your scroll post as daily affirmation that you ARE quit. It's an old saying among quitters, "The road to quit is littered with the bodies of the weak."  Take charge, quit chewing tobacco, and burn the boats… make it impossible to go back. Keep your word to quit dipping every day and your legacy won't be one of a failure, a body strewn along the road to quit. Alternatively, you'll take your ball and leave; making excuses about work, family, stress, or any other useless reason that people use to justify failure ...just like other weak bodies before you.  Your choice. Quit dipping.

    It's time to Quit Dipping. 

    You wouldn't be reading this if you didn't know that. People don't casually browse the internet for cures to an addiction that you don't have. You know you are addicted, whether you admit or not. You're not sure? Have you ever tried to quit before, and failed? How many times? Have you ever tried nicotine replacement therapies, but found that you are still craving, irritable, and miserable? Ever pulled your patch off so you can have a real one, "when you really needed it"? Ever had a girlfriend or wife lay down the law, "it's me or the dip"? And, of course you chose her. But not really, so you had to take your dipping underground for a while? Ever thrown a tin out of a window, only to find yourself looking through the bushes later? Digging through dumpsters? I could go on and on. Yeah, you're in the right place. 

    No matter what strategy you have employed in the past, we both know it hasn’t worked. This place will. The excuses you have used in the past won’t work here. The temporary withdrawal symptoms of quitting dipping are not going to kill you.  We know, because we all survived them. No, you're not more addicted than we were. No, we don't care what brand you used to chew. Yes, you can actually function at work and home without your “crutch” to make you “more relaxed”. Your life will improve dramatically once you quit dipping. You might remember stopping for a few weeks, and you have an idea that it was hell 'because you had quit'. It was hell because you didn’t know how to quit until now.  We’ll change your mindset, and we will lay out the timeline of quitting nicotine. The only thing that you need to do to succeed in a 100% effective method of quitting dipping is to show up here every day, listen to the advice of the members, and follow the only two rules we have here....

    Post your promise not to dip every morning, and keep your word. 

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  10. If you are looking for a quit dipping support group, all of the members here quit dipping using the same process, through the accountability offered by this website, and quitting dipping cold turkey. The following was written recently by a member of Quitting Dip.

    One of the biggest reasons we’re still here is that someone, at some point, helped us and taught us how to quit chewing tobacco. We are hoping to help you quit dipping the same way that someone did for us as newbs.  The eventual taste of freedom when you quit dipping, and the value of the assist from those who knew how to quit better than us foggy bastards, is pretty much immeasurable.  The gratefulness of “being free” leads dudes who have decency to try to pay it forward, and backward. Recovered addicts with self-awareness, and a firm grasp on the struggle to quit dipping ... that's who most of us are.

    You'll find that the experiences you thought were unique to you regarding dipping are universal among those of us here.  We've all been there.  I dipped for 22 years and TRIED to quit dipping by myself more times than I care to admit... before finally breaking free from nicotine.  It's simple here: we make a promise 1st thing every morning to ourselves and our fellow quitters, that we aren't going to dip that day.  Sack up - as you know from prior "stoppages" the first few days are tough. They’re actually unbearable if you don’t understand how quitting dipping should be done.  Get on here and read as much as you can, and drink lots of water and try to exercise. That's a start. 

    It's time to Quit Dipping. 

    You wouldn't be reading this if you didn't know that. People don't casually browse the internet for cures to an addiction that you don't have. You know you are addicted, whether you admit or not. You're not sure? Are you scared of the withdrawal symptoms of quitting dip? Have you ever tried to quit before, and failed? How many times? Do you know all the stages of quitting dipping, except the only one that matters, permanence?

    No matter what strategy you have employed in the past, we all know it hasn’t worked. This place will. The excuses you have used in the past won’t work here. The temporary withdrawal symptoms of quitting dipping are not going to kill you.  We know, because we all survived them. They're actually not that hard to manage if you have the correct mindset. No, you're not more addicted than we were. No, we don't care what brand you used to chew. Yes, you can actually function at work and home without your “crutch” to make you “more relaxed”.

    Your life will improve dramatically once you quit dipping. You might remember stopping for a few weeks, and you have an idea that it was hell 'because you had quit'. It was hell because you didn’t know how to quit until now.  We’ll change your mindset, and we will lay out the timeline of quitting nicotine. The only thing that you need to do to succeed in a 100% effective method of quitting dipping is to show up here every day, listen to the advice of the members, and follow the only two rules we have here....

    Post your promise not to dip every morning, and keep your word. 

    If you are ready to quit, go to today's Quit Scroll and post your name and Day 1. Look for messages on the scroll or in your inbox from other dudes who have done this already. Or start an intro, and you can have a centralized place for people to welcome you, offer some advice, or kick your ass when you need it. If you think you are not ready to quit, what are you waiting for?

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  11. If you are looking for a quit dipping support group, all of the members here quit dipping using the same process, through the accountability offered by this website, and quitting dipping cold turkey. The following was written recently by a member of Quitting Dip.

    It’s a mental game once you get past the physical withdrawal symptoms of quitting dipping. Those just last a few days. If it helps you early on, avoid the games, bars, and parties. Set yourself up for success at quitting dipping. Either way, I highly recommend fake dip, and keeping a can or two around, even if you don't feel like using it. Chewing gum makes my jaw hurt. Seeds shred my cheeks. For me, I knew fake wouldn’t kill me, so why not?  It was a very necessary part for me, to fight the oral fixation. Some guys feel you should quit all at once, that a substitute is just delaying total quit.  Me?  I used fake as a crutch, until I got past the need for anything in my lip.  It can really help when you're out with a bunch of dippers, or on a long drive or some shit and don't feel like dealing with craves. No one ever caved because they had too much fake lying around. This is not a contest to see who can make quitting the hardest, it’s a contest to see who can quit the longest. 

    If you don't want to use fake because you want to beat the oral fixation at the same time, I respect that and lots of dudes have done it that way. But don't discount a tool in your bag just because it didn't help last time last time you tried to quit. There wasn’t a single moment when I romanticized dip because I was using fake. That’s the key. Use fake because you fucking hate nicotine, not because you’re just trying to replace it. Make sense? I didn’t care for Smokey Mountain too much but they offer some free tins of fake dip for new quitters. Hooch is very good. There are a million different brands out there, BUT you have to read carefully because some dickbags market something as tobacco free, but the product contains nicotine. Fuckers. Grinds was good. Jakes was meh. I still have some Teaza in my golf bag.

    Fake is one tool.  This site is a huge tool.  Stay quit, at all costs.  This will end up being the first time you've actually quit dipping, and that means it's the only time that matters. By the end of my pathetic chew career, right before I quit dipping,  I was occasionally falling asleep with dips in, and had learned how to keep a dip in while eating... What's great now is not having one in at all, ever. Dip fucking sucks. 

  12. You have decided to quit dipping. Welcome to the greatest decision you have ever made in your life. Find today’s Quitting Dip Plebe Scroll, and put the number 1 next to your name. Make your promise to yourself, and to us, that you will not use tobacco or nicotine of any form today. We all make this promise every morning. For new guys this promise is the grounding that keeps you from dipping throughout the day. For those of us who KNOW that we have quit dipping, the daily promise is a way to remember the addiction and stave off complacency. The fight against nicotine addiction is an ongoing battle. Dipping has taken up a large portion of your life, now is the time to fight back!

    Read up on everything you can on this forum. Explore. Check out all of the advice and resources we have here. And, most importantly, Quit Dipping Today! If you can promise me that, then I promise to be right alongside you in this battle against dip!

    Are you waiting for the right time to quit dipping? There isn’t a “right time to quit." Thinking you can wait for that perfect window is an excuse that will lead you back to the can every time. Stopped for two weeks... but now your girlfriend dumped you? Not the right time. Having trouble finding a job? Not the right time. Fast forward, and twenty more years have passed with you shoving that shit in your mouth. When you start reading through the intros here, they will obviously have a very familiar ring. We were just like you before we quit dipping. Now we are nothing like you, the addicted/pathetic you. We are the Quit you, the you that you could be. 
    If you quit dipping, you are going to get a lot stronger, very soon. You are going to feel much better. You are going to develop something that we call a “Quit Dick”.  Never seen a giant Quit Dick before? Go head over to the QD showers. We have huge dicks here. That’s just shorthand for... “we’ve developed a mindset that has enabled us to be free from the slavery of nicotine”.  Every morning I make a promise to myself and the other dudes here not to dip today. I am committed to doing that every morning. And I will never break that promise. Therefore, I have zero chance of ever chewing again. So I don't need to ever think about it. I don’t need to stress about what life might throw at me. I don’t have white knuckles. Some people get very wrapped up in the difference between cravings and withdrawals and reward centers and urges and blah blah blah. It is very much overcomplicating this shit. I don't give a fuck about any of that. My lizard brain can go fuck itself. I am driving this ship, and nicotine can totally get fucked. That's the mindset, but just the surface. 
    Make a commitment and do yourself a favor by posting your promise not to dip, daily on the quit scroll.. 

    • Like 3
  13. If you are looking for a quit dipping support group, all of the members here quit dipping using the same process, through the accountability offered by this website, and quitting dipping cold turkey. The following was written recently by a member of Quitting Dip.

    If you stick around and quit dipping, you'll be amazed at how easy it is to spot addict speak.  That's what we jump all over and kill - like a cockroach with the heel of a boot.  It's like when you're a student and you wonder if the professor can tell whether or not you're paying attention when you're on your laptop in class; if you have the opportunity to get up to the front and start teaching, it's so completely obvious when someone is taking notes, and when someone is scrolling through Facebook.  Utterly obvious.

    The shit you've been spewing (up until today…) is your addiction talking.  It's not the real you.  We are telling your addiction to fuck off - and you as long as you're intertwined with it.  We know the real you is in there, yearning to break-free.  Most people won't truly separate from their addiction, it's too scary.  So much of our identity was wrapped-up in stuffing that shit in our mouths.  But it's Stockholm Syndrome.  Shit, dude, I remember thinking once that dip was my only true friend - the only one who never let me down.  It's not true.  The opposite is true.  Your addiction is pure evil and it wants to kill you.

    Dip never did anything for you except ruin your life, keep you away from your friends and family, and hold you back from becoming the man you were meant to be.  When you realize that, you will be beyond angry at dip, like we are.  When you truly understand how completely enslaved you were, you will be furious.  Embarrassed that you ever let yourself become that loser, and livid at the insanity of a plant controlling your every waking thought.

    Some people never let it go, even through years of a "stoppage."  They always miss it.  They always feel like they're kinda missing out, and wish they could have just one more.  That's not quit, and that's what we guard against so fiercely here at Quitting Dip.  To "become quit" means to truly change.  We are restored.  With a simple post on the scroll first-thing every morning, our addiction is contained and rendered harmless every day.  It's a goddam beautiful thing.

    We will know the instant the real you shows up here ready to quit dipping.  But as long as you're that addict who's just trying to stop long enough to lie to himself that he's not addicted, you'll get nothing but the business-end of our quits.

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    • The Clap 1
  14. All of the members here quit dipping using the same process, through the accountability offered by this website, and quitting dipping cold turkey. The following was written recently by a member of Quitting Dip.

    Quitting when I was in college didn't seem like that big a deal, and there's no way I could have quit without knowing what a big deal quitting dip actually is. Took me 20 years to find these dudes and quit dipping. I hope you realize that saving your life is a very big fucking deal, and that you use this resource to the fullest, in order to quit dipping. I had always told myself that I was stronger than my addiction, that I had control of it, and could quit anytime I wanted to, and then never did. It turns out I was right, I can control my addiction, and I could have quit anytime I wanted to, but I couldn’t do it alone. It takes accountability and knowledge. Both of those can be received here.

    I have an immense feeling of shared ownership and pride in what we are doing here at QuittingDip. Quitting dip. It's right there in the name. We have never strayed from the message, and there is such freedom of movement in terms of starting threads, posting & mixed media. It's like a hippie commune but instead of patchouli it reeks with a thick testosterone musk of quit. Quitters gon quit. Quitters get strong, and the strong get stronger.

    Remember that there's nothing mystical about any activity without dip. You are in control. Going out on the town, fishing, mowing the grass...etc. is no excuse to give in, and they are no harder or less enjoyable without a cancer wad in your mouth. This is the absolute truth. Never realized how much nicotine seemed to desensitize or reduce mental awareness. Nicotine withdrawal is a drastic tax on your attention, putting in a dip and relaxing that drain for a few minutes is not the same thing as improving attention. I explained it to someone the other day. It's like struggling to read on your phone at night, then realizing the brightness is turned down. Quitting dip is the equivalent to turning up the brightness level on life.

    Also, think of the time spent hitting up the corner store and that constant anxiety of running out. Fuck that shit dude. Fuck being on a first name basis with homeboy behind the counter. Fuck feeling that certain pocket for a second time to make sure you didn't forget the can. Spend some time strengthening your hate for nicotine. Go look at relapse rates and then consider what we are doing here. You are essentially about to join the Seal Team 6 of quitters. There are other forums that you can post on where no one will bug you about posting your promise not to dip daily. After a few months there, no one will even notice that you missed a day or a week. Fuck that crap. Keep your edge. Get aggressive against dip. Hold yourself to a higher standard. Or you can  go back to the can for the next 15-25 years, solely because you aren't willing to put in the work. We are the Japanese WWII soldiers still hiding in the woods into the early 1980's because the war isn't over for us. We are never giving in. Because we care about quitting dipping.

    • Like 3
  15. All of the members here quit dipping using the same process, through the accountability offered by this website, and quitting dipping cold turkey. The following was written recently by a member of Quitting Dip.

    All through my college years I always said this:

    -"I'll quit dipping at the end of the semester"

    -"I'll quit dipping when I get my next serious girlfriend"

    -"I'm quitting dip now that I'm single"

    -"I'll quit dipping when I graduate"

    -"I'll quit dipping when I get a real job"

    But each and every time, those milestones came and went with me still fucking dipping. Don't be like me then, be me like me now. Quit. Us young people are generally stupid. But honestly, it feels good saying no. It makes you proud later on. I know what it's like, especially to be in college and bar age, to have a lot of buddies that dip. Hell, most of my friends still dip. Be proud of keeping your word and maintaining your quit during that party where your friend was dipping or there were a bunch of people smoking… but something you should keep in mind is that you should  consider taking a break from partying around people who are still dipping or smoking like chimneys when your quit is new. Another good thing is to make it known as far and wide as possible that you have quit dipping, and it is just something you do not do anymore. Tell all your friends, and if they keep offering you dip because they think it's cool or funny, kick them in the dick and take their can, throw it on the ground, and stomp it. See how funny they think it is to offer to you again.

    Many of the members here will tell you that you should take a break from partying all together. But just like being offered a dip isn’t an excuse to take one, neither is being drunk. Although it’s the best practice to take a few weeks off, just due to the lowered inhibitions and poor judgement that go along with being drunk, you are still responsible for your actions. I'm not saying you can't drink at all, but you really ought to avoid getting totally smashed. There will come a time where you'll be in the bar and you'll get offered one, and you only have one choice. Be big enough to say no. I don't think I went to the bars for at least a month when I quit, I was too wary of falling into that trap. 

    Anyway, so what if people are going to be dipping around you? If you think having the ability to obtain a dip during withdrawal is unique to your quit, you're not thinking clearly. Every single person here made the choice to quit. If we wanted to fail, dip was always waiting, they sell it everywhere. If you think being in close proximity to dip cans makes you weak, you will become weak. If you think you're quit as fuck, and couldn’t care less about some asshole drooling cancer next you, you will instantly be stronger. Fuck dip. If it's too hard right now, what is ever going to make it easier? Cancer? Well, when you quit after your Cancer DX, you will still get the same withdrawal symptoms from quitting dip. And you will still have the same ability to keep using if you want to, you just won’t. It's just a different mindset because you’ll be face to face with death. Adopt that mindset now, or die. 

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  16. Are you quitter?

    Long-term (forever) quits come with the aid of a kick ass support group.  You've got one here.  If there is one thing we demand from you as a member of this community, it's posting your promise to quit dipping every morning...  Wake, Piss, post scroll.  Make it routine.  Promise us, and yourself that you will not use nicotine for the day (in any forms BTW, this is a zero tolerance site). Keep your promise.  Days will start stacking.

    Just look around at all the users in the world - do you envy them for being Big Tobacco's bitch? You shouldn't. You should feel stronger and prouder than every single last one of them. Ask yourself at the end of the day... do you want to be a little bitch or do you want to be a man of true willpower in the face of adversity, a man of integrity and strength - someone your wife and kids can look up to and be proud of. You'll see there is only one real answer. Willpower is like weightlifting - the more you train it the stronger it will become. Each day you'll become more powerful in the fight against nicotine. Plus you made a promise to yourself, me and all the others here that you won't just give up, but you'll continue to kick nicotine's ass every day. We're here for you bro - we've never even met but I guarantee I’ll be a better friend to you than nicotine ever could be. Keep on quitting dip and one day you'll be able to help someone going through the same exact feelings you are - you may save that person's life.

    Fuck cravings, cravings are things that pregnant chicks get. There is a big difference between having thoughts of dip cross your mind each day, and "wanting dip". If you want dip, you're just marking time until your failure. What do you desire about it? The stink, the mess, the stigma, the shame? There’s no buzz anymore, just a scratched itch, so we’re just talking about the chemical fix these days? You’re a junky. No one wants that chemical in them except junkies. When you quit dipping, that withdrawal will pass after a few days. The intensity of the cravings are going to be much worse for someone who hasn't wrapped their mind around the fact that Quit means Quit. If you are leaving a crack in your door, romancing the years you were slave, thinking maybe someday you'll chew again, it's called "white knuckle" and it fucking sucks, and it's not going to work. You need to change your mindset.

    The first year after you quit dipping is a year of situations that will all be new to you. Everything can be a “trigger” if you make it so. The bottom line is that pussies will find an excuse to dip again if they want to, and quitters will dig deep and find a way to overcome any trigger, no matter what.  Caving is not an option after you quit dipping. Every single trigger that you conquer is a victory, and a big one, because then you know you can beat that trigger again and again. 

    Post your promise and keep it.

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    • Q for Quit 1
  17. All of the members here quit dipping using the same process, through the accountability offered by this website, and quitting dipping cold turkey. The following was written recently by a member of Quitting Dip.

    For me it's about doing whatever it takes to never have anyone look for me or question my commitment. A commitment to quit dipping, so I am no longer living like a shallow, selfish and sneaky addict everyday. I am grateful that these guys will hold my feet to the fire if I don't show up. It won't come in the form of a “hope all is well and by the way are you gonna post today?” I fully expect to be told to get my shit together because I will most likely need it, in the event it ever happened. Quit is an attitude change that won't take long to manifest itself - after you prove to yourself and us that you've got the balls to make it through some nicotine withdrawals without running back to the can for a one pinch at a time cancer addiction.

    If your brain is telling you that you deserve a dip, or you can have a small quick one, don't listen. You don't deserve a dip... Dip is not a reward, it’s a burden. As an addict, you need to learn about Quit.  Quitting dipping doesn't mean you white knuckle it through the day.  Quit is your new way of life.  Taking nicotine off the table with a scroll post forces you to start up new routines.  Never look back.  After the first couple of days,  you’ll be over the biggest hump.  Keeping active here will keep your mind trained on what quit really means.  Read all you can on here.

    This is the time and the place that you will succeed. We support you but we cant do it for you. I never intend to go through what you are going through again, so I won't. You won't have to either. Quitting is as simple as being determined and being a man of your word. It's all about discipline, baby. If you want it bad enough, you'll do it, simple as that.


    It's time to Quit Dipping. 

    You wouldn't be reading this if you didn't know that. People don't casually browse the internet for cures to an addiction that you don't have. You know you are addicted, whether you admit or not. You're not sure? Have you ever tried to quit before, and failed? How many times? 

    No matter what strategy you have employed in the past, we all know it hasn’t worked. This place will. The excuses you have used in the past won’t work here. The temporary withdrawal symptoms of quitting dipping are not going to kill you.  We know, because we all survived them. They're actually not that hard to manage if you have the correct mindset. No, you're not more addicted than we were. No, we don't care what brand you used to chew. Yes, you can actually function at work and home without your “crutch” to make you “more relaxed”.

    Your life will improve dramatically once you quit dipping. You might remember stopping for a few weeks, and you have an idea that it was hell 'because you had quit'. It was hell because you didn’t know how to quit until now.  We’ll change your mindset, and we will lay out the timeline of quitting nicotine. The only thing that you need to do to succeed in a 100% effective method of quitting dipping is to show up here every day, listen to the advice of the members, and follow the only two rules we have here....

    Post your promise not to dip every morning, and keep your word. 

    If you are ready to quit, go to today's Quit Scroll and post your name and Day 1. Look for messages on the scroll or in your inbox from other dudes who have done this already. Or start an intro, and you can have a centralized place for people to welcome you, offer some advice, or kick your ass when you need it. If you think you are not ready to quit, what are you waiting for?

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  18. You're in the right spot to quit dipping for good, because there is no better place to learn how to quit dipping.  There is one tenet we all follow, and allowed us all to quit dipping:  Post scroll, don't dip ... repeat daily.  Post your daily promise on the scroll at the beginning of your day everyday. 

    There are two parts to this website.  First is the serious, no nonsense portion - your pledge to quit chewing tobacco. This part of Quitting Dip is relentless, intense, and often unforgiving… but a daily promise is a method proven to work effectively to quit dipping.  The second part of this site is a juvenile frat house to which you become entitled to participate as a member of the community should you so choose.  Quitting chewing tobacco is the only portion that is necessary - you MUST log in everyday and make your promise to the rest of us that you will quit dipping that day.  Break that promise, or refuse to be held accountable, and you won't be here long.  The second part is gratuitous; feel free to ignore it.  But I can assure you that if you are engaged regularly with the baddest of the bad ass quitters on here, your nicotine quit will be stronger.

     There is ZERO tolerance for anything nicotine related.  That's the enemy, and it doesn't matter which form it is delivered.  We quit cold turkey, and there are no relapses here ... no second chances.  Make this your final quit.  YOU have the power to control this damn plant ... stop letting it control you, steal money out of your pocket and years from your life. I suggest you read everything on this site you can, and chime in here and there.  Build a web of accountability.  One of the cornerstones of a solid-ass quit is telling EVERYONE in your life you're quit for good ... and asking them to hold your feet to the fire.  An addict doesn't like to do that.  An addict knows that a proclamation of that magnitude removes the opportunity to go back.  Well, at least it removes the chances if you're a man who holds true to his promises.  So fess up to the wife, tell her you're in this quit balls-deep.  Shout the you have quit dipping from the rooftops. Make it humiliating to even think of turning back.  

    The withdrawal is going to last 4 or 5 days. Sometimes it's very uncomfortable. But it's worse if you sit around feeling sorry for yourself. Get out and do something. Make those minutes that seem like hours productive. Discomfort passes. We all deal with discomfort in life. Think that chemo is like getting a blow job? It’s not. Don’t take my word, ask the dead guy that thought nicotine was a treat he allowed himself to have forever


    It's time to Quit Dipping. 

    No matter what strategy you have employed in the past, we all know it hasn’t worked. This place will. The excuses you have used in the past won’t work here. The temporary withdrawal symptoms of quitting dipping are not going to kill you.  We know, because we all survived them. They're actually not that hard to manage if you have the correct mindset. No, you're not more addicted than we were. No, we don't care what brand you used to chew. Yes, you can actually function at work and home without your “crutch” to make you “more relaxed”.

    Your life will improve dramatically once you quit dipping. You might remember stopping for a few weeks, and you have an idea that it was hell 'because you had quit'. It was hell because you didn’t know how to quit until now.  We’ll change your mindset, and we will lay out the timeline of quitting nicotine. The only thing that you need to do to succeed in a 100% effective method of quitting dipping is to show up here every day, listen to the advice of the members, and follow the only two rules we have here....

    Post your promise not to dip every morning, and keep your word. 

    If you are ready to quit, go to today's Quit Scroll and post your name and Day 1. Look for messages on the scroll or in your inbox from other dudes who have done this already. Or start an intro, and you can have a centralized place for people to welcome you, offer some advice, or kick your ass when you need it. If you think you are not ready to quit, what are you waiting for?

    • Like 1
  19. All of the members here quit dipping using the same process, through the accountability offered by this website, and quitting dipping cold turkey. The following was written recently by a member of Quitting Dip.

    I thought about quitting dip a lot before I actually quit dipping.  I had grown tired of the raw lips, the car that smelled like dip spit, the spitting in trash cans and the most embarrassing to me was having to reprint papers at work because I had put the "dip smudge" on them.  I don't have to tell you about all of those feelings... you've felt them or you wouldn't be here searching, the same way I was searching for the magic solution to quit dipping.  I would get on the internet every night and search out "ways to quit dipping" or "easy steps to quitting nicotine" or "how to quit chewing tobacco" thinking that somewhere in some dark corner of the internet, someone held a true secret that would give me the ability to finally quit.

    I stumbled upon a website, full of folks who had walked the path I was exploring and they promised that they had the answer.  I was so consumed with getting their answer that I didn't really know what I was signing up for.  I was told that this group of folks start their day by making a promise to themselves and the group that they would not dip that day.  After all, its only a day and when broken down into pieces, you just have to make it a couple of hours at the time.  You can do anything for a couple of hours.

    When I finally did pull the trigger to quit dipping I suddenly had a group of folks interacting with me, encouraging me, telling me what to expect and how to best cope with the withdrawal symptoms that I had feared for so long.  The first few days are rough...but not the whole day.  Only a few minutes at the time.  Long enough for your body to say it wants dip and then your mind to say "not today...I posted scroll".  It is hard to put into words the transformation when you take back the freedom you've given over to a tin can full of shit for so long.  But that freedom is worth every bit of discomfort from those first few days.


    And the only method for quitting dipping that any of us have ever found to work is quitting cold turkey, with the help of other quitters. The method that we use here. If you found Quitting Dip, you’ve been struggling with nicotine for a long time. You have probably tried to quit. Perhaps you’ve even admitted to yourself that you are addicted to chewing tobacco. 

    No matter what strategy you have employed in the past, we both know it hasn’t worked. Otherwise, you would be quit, like the rest of us. The excuses you have used in the past won’t work here. The temporary withdrawal symptoms of quitting dipping are not going to kill you. You can actually function at work and home without your “crutch” to make you “more relaxed”. Your life will improve dramatically once you quit dipping. You might remember stopping for a few weeks, and you have an idea that it was hell 'because you had quit'. It was hell because you didn’t know how to quit until now. 

    We’ll change your mindset, and we will lay out the timeline of quitting nicotine. The only thing that you need to do to participate in a 100% effective method of quitting dipping is to show up here every day, follow the advice of the members, and follow the only two rules we have here....Post your promise not to dip every morning, and keep your word. If you are ready to quit dipping, post up on the Plebe Scroll. 

    Otherwise, visit the support center, or read some speeches

  20. All of the members here quit dipping using the same process, through the accountability offered by this website, and quitting dipping cold turkey. The following was written recently by a member of Quitting Dip.

    One of the keys to quitting dipping is the mental shift from missing dip, to being mad at it.  Get pissed, brother.  That shit never did ANYTHING for you.  It never made anything better; it didn't make you cool, or sexy, or smart, or tough...it only made you a pussy.  Quitting is WINNING.  You are taking back your life, man.

     I was thinking about quitting dipping while on a long drive I had this morning for a business meeting.  That used to be a dip time for me.  Today I didn't even think about the fact that I was going to be driving without dip.  Didn't miss it.  Why?  Because I'm quit as fuck, that's why. 

     Actually, I was specifically better off on that drive without dip.  All of the time and energy that I would have normally spent thinking about making sure I had a can and a spitter and enough time to sit in the parking lot for a few minutes, I instead spent mentally preparing for my meeting.  Since nicotine is a vasoconstrictor (causes your arteries to constrict), that chew I used to have on the way to meetings literally inhibited my ability to think creatively.

    One piece of advice I can say is to cling to this forum as if your life depends on it. I know my first days in the fog I didn't get shit done at work but I read, read and read some more. You will learn a lot doing this. One of my favorites was centurion speeches. Learn from guys that have had success at quitting dipping and mimic what they do.

  21. If you are looking for a quit dipping support group, all of the members here quit dipping using the same process, through the accountability offered by this website, and quitting dipping cold turkey. The following was written recently by a member of Quitting Dip.

    Lots of people  come here with the wrong ideas about how to quit dipping, or they’re  quitting dip for the wrong reasons. But if you stick around long enough to get hammered into submission by people that know more than you, there's a part deep down that wants to quit dipping, and  not beholden to nicotine.  But special butterflies that come in here, drop their worthless excrement of nicotine love, and then disappear are much more difficult to support.  One must leave landmines of quitting wisdom here and there and hope one of these dipsticks runs over them.  It's a much less effective formula for molding quitters.

    If you're too good for us, too smart and too cool for this quitting dip support group, that's awesome.  Peace out.  Start your own site to quit dipping where you make the rules. I hate to just give up on people, no matter how stubborn or hardheaded they may be. I too am an asshole to deal with. It took me a while to get to the realization that I was really cared for and wanted here, because of the way I came in to Quitting Dip. We don't require conformity.  The diversity of this place is what makes it wonderful.  Yes, we are all males, but we couldn't be a bigger band of misfits and beautifully different in every way.  Every way but one.

    We are a tribe.  Bound together by a common affliction.  An insidious nicotine addiction that requires eternal and constant vigilance. Together we are unstoppable, unbreakable, and unbeatable. If there's one thing that I've managed to reconcile in my tiny little head, it's that quitting dip with a brotherhood of like minded motherfuckers makes my quit that much stronger.

    You have to know what quit is before you can really quit dipping.  Anything less than full commitment is likely to lead to failure.  The selection of douchebags here are the 20% that get it done.  But there's no half ass quit, or "I don't need to be as committed" or "I want to be able to hookah to bang chicks."  There's no half ass option, in my opinion. There's no such thing as half ass cancer; there should be no half ass quit. 

    I make a promise every morning to these guys that I will not use any form of tobacco for today. We will keep each other quit. One bad decision is all it takes & this place and these guys are my guard against it. It's only my promise for today and I'm only as good as my word. It's not a binding promise if I'm only making it to myself. It's been an important part of my day for almost 4 years now.

  22. All of the members here quit dipping using the same process, through the accountability offered by this website, and quitting dipping cold turkey. The following was written recently by a member of Quitting Dip.

    Yes the physical withdrawal from quitting dip is real, but it will pass. The first few days are tough, but don’t wallow in it. It isn’t fatal.  Since the missing oral fixation is something that's easy to fix, get something else in your mouth. Fake chew can help. I myself like Grinds coffee pouches. Bubble gum, sunflower seeds, hard candy, any number of things can help with this. After the first 5 days, it's all in your head, and It gets better when you decide it's better. 

    That's why we talk about being quit.  It's a state of mind, brother.  You are free from nicotine.  It doesn't own you anymore.  You need to quit dipping cold turkey, like a fucking boss. Don't think about dip.  At all.  Crush little craves in your mind like the ugly cockroaches they are.  Smile when those craves crunch under the boot of your quit. Don't hope it gets better...be better.

    Nobody here will ever say that quitting is easy, but it doesn't have to be as hard as "pure hell". Get quit. When you find yourself feeling like a pussy, slam that fucking door. Think about your quit. Think about freedom. When you find yourself talking like a pussy, slam that fucking door. Talk about quit. Talk like a quitter. Talk the talk until you walk the walk. Spend more time thinking about quitting dipping. Tie yourself to this place. Those that do are guaranteed success. Those that don't, well... sometimes they get pure hell.

    It's time to Quit Dipping. 

    You wouldn't be reading this if you didn't know that. People don't casually browse the internet for cures to an addiction that you don't have. You know you are addicted, whether you admit or not. You're not sure? Have you ever tried to quit before, and failed? How many times? Have you ever tried nicotine replacement therapies, but found that you are still craving, irritable, and miserable? Ever pulled your patch off so you can have a real one, "when you really needed it"? Ever had a girlfriend or wife lay down the law, "it's me or the dip"? And, of course you chose her. But not really, so you had to take your dipping underground for a while? Ever thrown a tin out of a window, only to find yourself looking through the bushes later? Digging through dumpsters? I could go on and on. Yeah, you're in the right place. 

    No matter what strategy you have employed in the past, we both know it hasn’t worked. This place will. The excuses you have used in the past won’t work here. The temporary withdrawal symptoms of quitting dipping are not going to kill you.  We know, because we all survived them. No, you're not more addicted than we were. No, we don't care what brand you used to chew. Yes, you can actually function at work and home without your “crutch” to make you “more relaxed”. Your life will improve dramatically once you quit dipping. You might remember stopping for a few weeks, and you have an idea that it was hell 'because you had quit'. It was hell because you didn’t know how to quit until now.  We’ll change your mindset, and we will lay out the timeline of quitting nicotine. The only thing that you need to do to succeed in a 100% effective method of quitting dipping is to show up here every day, listen to the advice of the members, and follow the only two rules we have here....

    Post your promise not to dip every morning, and keep your word. 

  23. All of the members here quit dipping using the same process, through the accountability offered by this website, and quitting dipping cold turkey. The following was written recently by a member of Quitting Dip. 

    I built up to my quit date for a while…. lurking on this site from time to time.  Finally got the balls and made the decision to put myself out there and hold myself accountable, and make myself accountable to others... Making the decision to quit dipping freaked me out a bit.  I dipped for the last 15 years or so. About a can a day. Always coming back to it. I always said I'm going to quit dipping but the first sign of stress, or anything really, was used as an excuse to pick up another tin. I definitely needed something to keep me in line. This forum is that something.  I am free.

    Yeah dipping is totally stupid and disgusting. It's sad to be addicted to something that you're embarrassed to be doing, but you still won't quit dipping. I heard so much shit over it from my family for years but I didn't care, my nicotine addiction was more important than my family.

    I had to ninja dip around wife for years because she thought I'd already quit. Then she finally just accepted it and it was on after that. You know, I never considered myself an addict just because I dipped. Addicts are people addicted to drugs like heroin or pills these days, not a plant that local farmers grow and I grew up working in during summer to make money. I just didn't get it until I started reading stuff on here. Tobacco isn't portrayed as a drug elsewhere. Admitting to myself that I was an addict put things in perspective. Learning about addiction helps with the quitting dipping process. Yes, I'm an addict and wasted over 15 years of my life addicted to nicotine. I'm here to quit and stay quit .

    I went through some crazy transitions during my early quit. Changed careers, bought a house, moved, had a third baby. All shit that was stressful. None of it was harder without dip. Quite the opposite. Fuck triggers. They are for people who think dip helps any situation. I fucking don't. Every new dude here will understand this, if they are willing to become bad mother fuckers like us. 

    Personally, I made a conscious decision to just not use nicotine anymore, no matter what.  When you are certain about a life altering CHOICE like that, and add in the 100% of brotherhood and accountability you will receive at QuittingDip, you will have to willfully choose to use again.  There is no way of "slipping" or losing yourself in a moment. QD is 100% effective if you post your promise first thing daily and your word is honorable.  

    Life got better for me when I quit dipping 17 months ago.  When you are bored, you should search out some Centurion speeches, and you'll get an idea of what roads we've been down.  You should read all those stories, because they all should resonate with you too. It helps to get a feel for each quitter and that helps with forging relationships.  

    The good news is if you do the work and commit yourself to getting your self control back, you will be able to start over in life, no matter how old you are.  Just by being here and actively quitting dipping, it is a great start to the rest of your life. I quit with you today.

  24. All of the members here quit dipping using the same process, through the accountability offered by this website, and quitting dipping cold turkey. The following was written recently by a member of Quitting Dip.


    The good news is if you dig in and quit dipping here you'll find that you are surrounded by a bunch of like-minded dipshits who tried to quit on their own ... and failed.  Only with the support of a bunch of common-users did we all pull our heads out of our asses, and our fingers out of a tin. Life is fucking great after you quit chewing tobacco.  I'm no longer a slave to same damn weed. Women dig me more, bucks smell less of me, ducks seem to light in the decoys that much more readily now. Well, 2 outta 3 ain't bad.

    Where was I?  Oh yeah. We post a daily promise here, and we quit dipping to START our day.  It's funny how promising to a bunch of strangers that you won't use nicotine for the day works.  After a while, we're definitely not strangers. We're on your side, fighting the same battle. You CAN do this ... just search for the testicular fortitude it takes to be consistent, and get on scroll to start your day each and every day.  Quit Dipping 1st, everything else falls into place.  

    It's time to Quit Dipping. 

    You wouldn't be reading this if you didn't know that. People don't casually browse the internet for cures to an addiction that you don't have. You know you are addicted, whether you admit or not. You're not sure? Have you ever tried to quit before, and failed? How many times? Have you ever tried nicotine replacement therapies, but found that you are still craving, irritable, and miserable? Ever pulled your patch off so you can have a real one, "when you really needed it"? Ever had a girlfriend or wife lay down the law, "it's me or the dip"? And, of course you chose her. But not really, so you had to take your dipping underground for a while? Ever thrown a tin out of a window, only to find yourself looking through the bushes later? Digging through dumpsters? I could go on and on. Yeah, you're in the right place. 

    No matter what strategy you have employed in the past, we both know it hasn’t worked. This place will. The excuses you have used in the past won’t work here. The temporary withdrawal symptoms of quitting dipping are not going to kill you.  We know, because we all survived them. No, you're not more addicted than we were. No, we don't care what brand you used to chew. Yes, you can actually function at work and home without your “crutch” to make you “more relaxed”. Your life will improve dramatically once you quit dipping. You might remember stopping for a few weeks, and you have an idea that it was hell 'because you had quit'. It was hell because you didn’t know how to quit until now.  We’ll change your mindset, and we will lay out the timeline of quitting nicotine. The only thing that you need to do to succeed in a 100% effective method of quitting dipping is to show up here every day, listen to the advice of the members, and follow the only two rules we have here....

    Post your promise not to dip every morning, and keep your word. 

  25. All of the members here quit dipping using the same process, through the accountability offered by this website, and quitting dipping cold turkey. The following was written recently by a member of Quitting Dip.


    Are you thinking about quitting dipping, but you're worried about nicotine withdrawal symptoms? Sweats? Insomnia? Trouble shitting? Can't eat or can't stop eating? Teeth and gums hurting? Ready to flip the hell out on someone for no reason? Yes, those are withdrawal symptoms of quitting dip... and if this is your first or second day, It's probably going to get worse before it gets better, but if you stay focused and keep your eye on the prize, the withdrawal can be viewed as nothing more than discomfort. All that discomfort is your body getting better.  And you can mitigate the discomfort with some simple changes to the way you normally do things. You can manage the symptoms for the short duration of physical withdrawal. After about 4 days, all of the  nicotine is out of your system. Then  it is all mental. When you feel a crave, slow down time, breath deep and focus on it for a second. It will go away whether you feed it or not. If you don't, they will get less powerful and eventually stop all together..
    Bottom line- get on the scroll to make your promise, keep your word, and you will be through the withdrawal soon enough. Don't be a pussy. The nicotine has controlled YOU for so long, now you are taking control of it. It's one powerful substance, and the parts of your brain that are addicted are going to fight like hell. But you're more powerful, you’ve got this. You are stomping the guts out of that little voice that keeps mentioning dip. Do whatever it is that you have to, within reason, to keep stomping. I can remember on day #3 balling my fist up and punching myself in the face, it hurt like hell, it didn't knock any sense into me either but it did help keep that shit out of my mouth. You can beat this addiction on a daily basis. 
    Dip is not and has never been your friend. It was your fix/crutch/weakness... Would a friend steal your money and health, try to kill you and take you away from your family? Are you worried you won’t be able to handle all of the routines of your life without your little anchor? Believe it or not, after you quit dipping you can do anything without nicotine. I like to hunt like you. Think of how many more deer you'll see if they don't smell your nasty skoal breath. The rest of the non-addict world doesn't have any problem doing routine  things without it...neither will you, if you quit dipping.
    Don't get me wrong, quitting dip  is a struggle at times, but also empowering. Every time you beat a crave, you gain power. Learn to hate nicotine. You control your actions and don't have to be a slave to a little weed any longer. If you choose to use, you lose. Come here and tell your story, rant, bitch, whine...whatever. Just immerse yourself in this place and learn all you can. Knowledge is your super power against your addiction. And that is what it is, an addiction.

    It's time to Quit Dipping. 

    No matter what strategy you have employed in the past, we all know it hasn’t worked. This place will. The excuses you have used in the past won’t work here. The temporary withdrawal symptoms of quitting dipping are not going to kill you.  We know, because we all survived them. They're actually not that hard to manage if you have the correct mindset. No, you're not more addicted than we were. No, we don't care what brand you used to chew. Yes, you can actually function at work and home without your “crutch” to make you “more relaxed”.

    Your life will improve dramatically once you quit dipping. You might remember stopping for a few weeks, and you have an idea that it was hell 'because you had quit'. It was hell because you didn’t know how to quit until now.  We’ll change your mindset, and we will lay out the timeline of quitting nicotine. The only thing that you need to do to succeed in a 100% effective method of quitting dipping is to show up here every day, listen to the advice of the members, and follow the only two rules we have here....

    Post your promise not to dip every morning, and keep your word. 

    If you are ready to quit, go to today's Quit Scroll and post your name and Day 1. Look for messages on the scroll or in your inbox from other dudes who have done this already. Or start an intro, and you can have a centralized place for people to welcome you, offer some advice, or kick your ass when you need it. If you think you are not ready to quit, what are you waiting for?

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