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Quitting Dip

Quit Dipping on March 12, 2019


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Each and every member of this community quit nicotine through the same process... quitting chewing tobacco via a support system and the accountability offered by this dip quitting forum. The foundation of the method here is accountability,  and the only way to quit nicotine is to quit cold turkey. The following was written recently by a member of Quitting Dip.

Before I committed to quitting dip, I wasn't planning on really participating on this forum. I just was trying to read the boards so I could figure out what the fuck is wrong with my brain. I was just tired. Tired of making every excuse in the book. Tired of being drunk and walking to a 7-11 just to find they don't have my brand. Has an uber driver ever told you that YOU are the loser? Cause mine did after the third 7-11 we had checked cause Copenhagen mint was hard to find. Like that Uber driver has their shit together....I think not. One star you fucking hypocrite. Anyway I digress. What I'm really trying to get at is I'm here to quit dipping and to quit dipping forever. 

An hour per dip was par for me, which means, I dipped nearly every minute of the day sans eating, sleeping, and showering. Before I quit chewing tobacco I was “lucky” enough to be able to dip at work, cause I mainly worked from home. I go into an office for like 4 hours a day. Taking a break half way for a 20 min dip and also needing one to take dump. As soon as I got in my car to go home until bed, constantly. If you're wondering how to stay single, that's your answer. 

Once you quit dipping, each day free from that fucking poison is better than the previous.  Triggers come early in a quit, but each time you internally say "fuck you" you're winning,  The premise here is simple, but genius at the same time.  Wake up, piss, post your promise not to use.  Make it 24 hours, keep that cat shit out of your lip, repeat.  Anyone with a set of marbles can make it 24 hours.  Soon days start stacking into months, months into years ... you'll be quit.  Just own your shit.  By that I mean embrace what this site has to offer, and be a man of integrity and honor your word ... follow through. 

You're surrounded here by addicts to nicotine, and we've all got stories just like you.  One major difference right now is that across the board, all of us despise that fucking plant ... what it does to your health, your wallet, your connections with family and friends.  Slowly killing you, all the while you get to pay for it.  Heaven is the freedom you can expect when quit dipping.  You have no idea .. but you will.  Flip that switch.  Fuck nicotine.


And the only way to quit cold turkey, as far as the membership here is concerned, is to find a bunch of dudes who already quit this shit, and follow their lead. But what do we know... we're all just quit, and you're not. 

You are likely to be here after hundreds of aborted mini-attempts to "kick the habit". Here's the key. You can't use nicotine replacement products to quit nicotine. No vaping. No nicotine lozenges. No nicotine gum.  Why not? Because you can't quit nicotine by using a different form of nicotine.

How easy is it to quit dipping? Quitting dip is a lot easier than you think. If you follow the well worn path by the members here who are quit. Once the withdrawal symptoms of are over, (and yes, they suck but they are manageable), it becomes a mind game, and we know all the ways to win. If you are ready to quit, the best way is to join this site, and start posting. 

If you think that quitting dip is impossible, then you're in the right place. If you wonder whether you really need to quit chewing, you're not ready. Guests can read some "speeches" of dudes who have been in your shoes. If you're just about ready to pull the trigger but you're scared, stop being a pussy. There is a section in the support center full of posts encouraging guys like you to get in the game. 

Once you sign up you can start an introduction where you can tell the other members about yourself, or just get right to it and put your screen name and "Day 1" on the "Quit Scroll" with today's date. 

The bottom line is that if you throw up a post somewhere, guys here will try to help you. But you have to help yourself first. 

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