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Quitting Dip

Quitting Dip on Tuesday, June 4th, 2019


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Welcome to the Quitting Dip.  We've all been through the chewing tobacco withdrawal symptoms and can say with absolute certainty that those negative side effects of quitting dip will pass soon.  When your brain gets used to operating without nicotine, the clarity will feel amazing, and sleeping and shitting will return to you once again. I'm sitting here and don't have one inkling of a wish to ever return to using that ground up poison and will continue to come here and post my promise to these powerful allies that I will continue to preserve my freedom from nicotine until the day I take my last breath.  

You'll find that the money you save and decreased risk of cancer will be ancillary benefits that barely even register in the grand scheme of quitting dipping. They just don't matter that much compared to the real prize - freedom from your addiction.  I know that dip has been really fucking expensive, but that never really mattered to us, did it? We always found some other area of our life to short, in order to get that can every day, no matter what. And cancer warnings were always printed on the can. Hasn’t ever stopped one of us.  Maybe you actually think that cancer is your motivation now. Or money. Okay. Whatever gets you started on the path, great. But success only comes to those of us who appreciate what quitting means for our lives. It changed everything for me.

Life can be a bitch, especially if you are looking for excuses to feel like shit, and feel like you're missing out on stuff... because life is so easy for everyone else, because they aren't dealing with special problems like you. You’re not special.  Nicotine didn't help deal with life. Nicotine took away the withdrawal from itself that sets your mind ablaze and causes panic. It wasn't magical, it was chemical. Fuck that shit.



It's time to Quit Dipping. 

No matter what strategy you have employed in the past, we all know it hasn’t worked. This place will. The excuses you have used in the past won’t work here. The temporary withdrawal symptoms of quitting dipping are not going to kill you.  We know, because we all survived them. They're actually not that hard to manage if you have the correct mindset. No, you're not more addicted than we were. No, we don't care what brand you used to chew. Yes, you can actually function at work and home without your “crutch” to make you “more relaxed”.

Your life will improve dramatically once you quit dipping. You might remember stopping for a few weeks, and you have an idea that it was hell 'because you had quit'. It was hell because you didn’t know how to quit until now.  We’ll change your mindset, and we will lay out the timeline of quitting nicotine. The only thing that you need to do to succeed in a 100% effective method of quitting dipping is to show up here every day, listen to the advice of the members, and follow the only two rules we have here....

Post your promise not to dip every morning, and keep your word. 

If you are ready to quit, go to today's Quit Scroll and post your name and Day 1. Look for messages on the scroll or in your inbox from other dudes who have done this already. Or start an intro, and you can have a centralized place for people to welcome you, offer some advice, or kick your ass when you need it. If you think you are not ready to quit, what are you waiting for?

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1 hour ago, IndianaMike said:

I decided to quit cold turkey because nrt is for pussies that don’t want to be free from nicotine addiction.  Living life tobacco free is the only way for me.

Agreed.  I also think it has a far higher chance of failure.  We all know how easy it is to push off when you plan to fully quit indefinitely. If you keep stringing along your addiction, it will inevitably find a way to come back full force and take over your life once again.  

Don't be a pussy and punch your addiction in the face.  Stand up for yourself and acknowledge that the side effects are simply the poison you've been putting in your body fighting tooth and nail against its own death.  You know what to do.  Put a bullet in its head and be done with it. 

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