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Quitting Dip

Quitting Dip on Thursday. Sept 5th, 2019


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If you have yet to quit dipping  you might be thinking, “I just need to make it through this work week, and I’ll quit chew on the weekend”. But inevitably, this weekend, you'll be thinking that quitting dip away from work will ruin your weekend. “Who wants to deal with withdrawal symptoms while I’m off?” There is always an excuse to keep using, and they’re all stupid. “I have a stressful family thing next week, gotta be chewing then. There’s a golf outing with my boys next month, no reason to quit before then. I’ll quit as soon as I get through this phase where my kids are in diapers.” These are the excuses given by people who are addicted to nicotine, and everyone here knows that because we all used to use them. It was hiding the fact that we were scared to quit, and rationalizing the continued use of a drug that was killing us. Not only are all the excuses dumb, because dip doesn’t help you do anything, it is not a magic potion to allow you to survive stress, it is often a source of stress, and does nothing to help you deal with life. The inevitable withdrawal symptoms from quitting dip will always be the same, regardless of whether it’s that time of the month, bitch. They’re bad for a few days, but not that bad. They are manageable. Unlike what you've convinced yourself, tomorrow is not the best day to start quitting. Today is. 


You might not be ready to hear that, but you wouldn't be reading this if you didn't already know it. You are likely to be here after hundreds of aborted mini-attempts to "kick the habit". You can't quit halfway. You also can't use nicotine replacement products. No vaping. No nicotine lozenges. No nicotine gum.  Why not? Because you can't quit nicotine by using a different form of nicotine.

When you are in the cycle of being desperate to quit, but terrified of quitting, everything can seem overwhelming. Quitting dip is a lot easier than you think. It is all a mind game, and we know all the ways to win. If you are ready to quit, the best way to quit cold turkey is to join this site, and start posting. 

Once you are a member you can start an introduction where you can tell the other members about yourself, or just get right to it and put your screen name and "Day 1" on the "Quit Scroll" with today's date. 

If you aren't ready for that, or don't know if this will work for you, as a guest you can read some "speeches" of dudes who have been in your shoes. 

If you just about ready to pull the trigger but you're scared, stop being a pussy. There is a section in the support center full of posts encouraging guys like you to get in the game. 

Just throw up a post somewhere, someone is going to see it. You can also post below with questions or comments before you sign up. 


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