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Quitting Dip


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Everything posted by Ace

  1. https://blogs.scientificamerican.com/observations/recent-research-sheds-new-light-on-why-nicotine-is-so-addictive/ Interesting article on why nicotine is so addictive. In summary, because nicotine is used so often and with every activity of daily life, the brain is taught that those daily activities are more enjoyable with nicotine. I’ve felt this early on in my quit where I had a hard time enjoying everyday activities that I used to enjoy. As I have progressed in my quit, some of those activities are becoming enjoyable again and I’m finding that they are things that should be enjoyable like taking my kids to the park or a hike in the woods. Some old activities are still not as enjoyable but I think it’s because they are just boring activities that nicotine made enjoyable. For example I used to love mowing the lawn because it was 2 hours with a wad of shit in my mouth and no one bothering me. Mowing the lawn is no longer enjoyable but that’s ok, it’s not supposed to be. Another thing the article talks about is how nicotine modifies the brain to be more susceptible to abusing other substances. “nicotine makes it easier for other drugs to teach users’ brains to repeat their use.” I have observed this as well since quitting dip. 99 days in and I have noticed on several occasions that I do not have the same urge or desire to binge drink that I used to. As a long time and often times problem drinker, this is really shocking. I feel like nicotine fueled other addictive behaviors within me. For 20 years I would have that first drink and I would feel a very specific way (I want more). The 5 times or so I’ve had a drink since quitting dip, I don’t feel that way at all. My brain feels completely different and I don’t attribute it to having abstained from alcohol for 60 days either. I’ve gone years without a single drink in the past and I would always have that feeling after the first one. Anyway, read the article if you want and fuck nicotine.
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