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Quitting Dip

Archived Centurion Quit Scrolls 2015-2016


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Prof - 258 - I feel like Feb should always be warmer than it actually is (This thing called winter South/West coasters!) How is it often coldest right before spring hits... Yah for a high of 44 today!!! Melt snow melt!! 

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Centurion Quit Scroll

Chewing Tobacco Quit : Quitting Dip : Cold Turkey Quit


Feb 5, 2015

Today is the 2.6594285 Gordon of 2015



Badasses Quitting Dip

Lipi 380 quitting dip with the bros

NMCB 122

spartan 775

rothstein57 - 362 quitting chew with my homies.

Sap 368 click my signature picture! You can have embedded urls in pictures in your signatures too. Ask me how!

Blissful - 374 - If you're telling me the Hoff & his band of boobies falling out of bathing suits is somehow inferior to a guy on a raft with a gun, I call bullshit. (No offense to any quitters in the Coast Guard...just don't hassle the Hoff.)

BazookaJoe 186

Grady 289

Sajax - 136

Dlong 373 no nic today

AJK 137

Grizclaws 463

Shorthorn 380

xct84 - 358

Roy 179

Pope 364 with Doc on his quitaversary. Congrats buddy!

8meds - 299 - quitting dip and Congrats to Doc!

NMCB 122

Thumblewort - 308

Mat849 - 168

Done4Me 277


Steak 421 crushin' it today with my fellow Iron Man, Golf

352 days' worth of Thunderdick Quit.

Jax - 885 - Tried to post late last night but the page was locked.  Quit yesterday and today with all of you.  Heading to Savannah for the GTG.  Anyone else from here going? 

JTBrown - 291

Eagles fan-381 congrats Doc!

Djhuft - 177

agh2o - 360 congrats doc

Sluggo 378 not w/Texagmd posting after 8:00 every fucking night, come on, first thing, amigo!

Congrats on 365, DOC, and Nuke on 400!!

ecd 324 congrats doc

TheFiz 351. Congrats on one year of being nicotine free Doc!

McDeere 379

Prof - 159 - good work out this snowy morning. Edit:  congrats Doc!!!

Doc 365 Thanks for the support. Wouldn't have made it without you all.

Golf - 424 - With Doc on his 1 year!!

Biggie- 361 way to go doc!

Nuke - 400 !!!!

Napa - 56 Congrats Doc and Nuke

Braves360 - 307

texagmd 352

schaef 195


RD, 1830- I'll write something here so it will be a bit more interesting for anyone reading this.

Kayakdude 359

Soxfnnlansing 157


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Jax - 885 - Tried to post late last night but the page was locked.  Quit yesterday and today with all of you.  Heading to Savannah for the GTG.  Anyone else from here going?  

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