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Quitting Dip

Archived Centurion Quit Scrolls 2015-2016


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Centurion Quit Scroll



Chewing Tobacco Quit : Quitting Dip : Cold Turkey Quit




March 6, 2015


Today is the 4.642857 Gordon of 2015





Dirty Randy - 391
BK1 - 4-OH!!-4 - enjoy the pre-daylight savings time warm spell, kids
Starr 452 dip dreams all night so far. Amazing how weak my addict mind is, but my will and word are way stronger
Bazooka 216
Dlong 403 no nic today
RD, 1860- Must be some kind of QD record.
Grizclaws 493

Shorthorn 410

Grady 319

Lipi 410 dip quit with QD mofoes

Soxfnnlansing 187
Sap 398
Mat849 - 198
mb289 - 384

NMCB 152 moving day mutifiker, quitting all forms

Schaef 225
KobeJr 120
Lighty 294 with Starr and all of you
AJK 167. Yup
Braves360 - 336 quitting with the wife in Dinsey

Steak 451 - one week to go until Steak and BJ Day!

8meds - 329 - big steaming cup full of quitting dip this AM!

Ecd 357 quit

Thunderdick -382

agh2o - 390

Thumblewort - 338

Hubie - 208

McDeere 409

texagmd 382

Jax - 915 - Damn, it feels good to be a gangsta.

Thefiz 381 quit with you all

Slug.go 408 with all you dumb fucks

Done4Me 307

xct84 - 388

Golf - 454 - with Starr & my man Phil the Thrill

Doc 395
Qash-398 - Off to Golf Course - w/ Snowbirds (Coronado)...Dip-Free
KO - 422 not today
Jtbrown - 321
Biggie- 390

Sajax - 166

Pope 394 - sorry for the late post....thought I posted before perusing the clubhouse this am.
Lady G 434 Quit
hammydon 503
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Centurion Quit Scroll



Chewing Tobacco Quit : Quitting Dip : Cold Turkey Quit




March 8, 2015


Today is the 4.642857 Gordon of 2015



Randall the Dirty - 392

KO - 423

BK1 - 405 - everything I have is mine and not stolen

Shorthorn - 411

Grady 320

Dlong 404

Pope 395

RD, 1852- Sweet peasus I had a long shift today. 14+ hours of drunk BS.  TGIF

Napa - 87 Quit with the Cents

Thunderdick - 383. TGIF, Rick?

Grizclaws 494

Steak 452

KobeJr 121 - the spreadsheet has wrong day count for me

8meds - 330 - quitting dip saves your life, if you let it!


Soxfnnlansing 188 days quit chewing with RD & the Centurions today

Braves360 - 337 unfortunately I gotta go home from vacation today. That also means I have to be a big kid and go back to work tomorrow.

Lighty 295 had the flu since Wednesday. Just kill me now


hammydon 504 quittin with all y'all

Golf - 455


SAM83 - 427 - Yo Quitters!  Took me a while, but I am here to quit!

Hubie - 209

Lipi 411- I got the information bitch

agh2o - 391

Sap 399

Thumblewort - 339 get some quit today, just 1 hour earlier!

Bazooka - 217

Biggie- 391

Mat849 - 199


Sluggo 409 hungover on a Sunday

Doc 396

NMCB 153

mb289 - 385

McDeere 410

Thefiz 382 quitting everyday with all of you.

xct84 -  389

Jtbrown - 322


Jax - 916 - Heading to the beach.  Fantastic day here in Da'Ville.  I'm heading out on a cruise starting next Sunday.  Checking to see how much it is to get the International Plan for a month with Verizon.  I'll be texting in my quit if it's not too much.  Anyone have a Big Green Egg?  I got one two weeks ago and have been killing it.  Do we have a BBQ thread anywhere in here?  Quit on, bitches!  Enjoy your day.


Lady G 435 LF with QD

Sajax 167

Done4Me 308 with Sap, Qash, and Mat in the stairwell with their hands on the doorknobs of an awesome new view


texagmd 383

Prof 189 days quit via text

Kayakdude 389...still traveling..too many time zones


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